
  1. H

    what newspaper do you read?

    and what age are you come on be brave own up lol i will let you off Kriss
  2. V

    What's the TV show where a man gets a newspaper every morning for a day in the

    future? And he tries to saves people's lives.
  3. B

    What is a good headline for my newspaper article? (It is about lockers)?

    For my school we have to write a newspaper article and mine is about the controversy of the different types of lockers at our school. (They are called the 100's and 200's lockers) The 100's lockers are really nice and the 200's are really old. Any ideas on some good headlines for my article...
  4. S

    Newspaper articles that use political satire?

    What are a few newspaper articles i can print out that use political satire?
  5. B

    I need suggestions on headlines for a school newspaper article about

    lockers! Please help!!!? For my school we have to write a newspaper article and mine is about the controversy of the different types of lockers at our school. (They are called the 100's and 200's lockers) The 100's lockers are really nice and the 200's are really old. Any ideas on some good...
  6. G

    I read about Jade Goody in the newspaper today?

    I read about Jade in the newspaper today dying with cancer and the nasty things they are saying about her on facebook that she deserves to die. Do you think she deserves all this nastiness for bullying?
  7. C

    What are the predictions as to when the Los Angeles Times newspaper will stop

    publishing? Have any knowledgeable business people or "inside" publications made predictions as to how much more longer the Los Angeles Times newspaper will continue being published? It seems the Times is growing thinner by the week. What are the predications about the newspaper's survival...
  8. T

    someone please help me summarise this newspaper article?

    around 150-250 words. and also talk about world poverty and how serious this global issue is.
  9. S

    i used newspaper as bedding for my mouse. is he okay?

    i changed my mouse cage bedding a couple of days ago and used newspaper instead of the recycled paper bedding i usually use because im kinda short on cash. well i got my mouse out today and he had the ink all over him so i wiped him off with a cloth and took all the newspaper out and just put a...
  10. J

    Need help with past Newspaper articles over the Internet?

    Alright so I'm doing a data management project and I was supposed to get two articles every week over the past two months... thing is I missed a few weeks due to school and work. I was wondering if anyone knows any website that you can type in a date and all the articles for that day pop up. The...
  11. E

    Good title for a newspaper?

    I'm a bit brain-dead, can anyone share any good newspaper titles? It's for an English project and some news stories are revolved around several pieces we read since the beginning of the year. I'm aiming for a title that sounds unique and fresh, nothing monotone. And nothing ridiculously lengthy...