
  1. L

    Nonbelievers in Christ: What would it take for you to confess Christ as Savior?

    Like what type of evidence will it take?
  2. DrDeanCrosby

    The Best Way To Witness To Non-Believers

    This is a question ignored by most Christians and many churches in spite of the fact that it must be answered in order to carry out one of the last orders Jesus gave to His disciples. Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."...
  3. A

    Christians: Why do MOST of you guys try to 'teach' non-believers?

    Even if they don't care to be 'taught'?
  4. P

    Jesus didn't divide between believers and non-believers why?

    Question above.
  5. G

    Belivevers & Non-Believers: Is subjecting children to religion a form of child abuse?

    Belivevers & Non-Believers: Is subjecting children to religion a form of child abuse? In my opinion, teaching a child (or children) about God, Jesus, the Bible, and church at a young age (4, 5, 6, 7) is a form of child abuse. At that age a child is still in the phase of processing and analyzing...
  6. M

    Christians: What's a good way to start a conversation about Christ with nonbelievers?

    I really want to live my life for God so I try to talk to as many people about God as I can, but the hardest part is trying to get the conversation started. I try not to just jump into it and say "Do you believe that Christ died for you?" because people don't seem to react to that very well.<br>...
  7. M

    Christians: What's a good way to start a conversation about Christ with nonbelievers?

    I really want to live my life for God so I try to talk to as many people about God as I can, but the hardest part is trying to get the conversation started. I try not to just jump into it and say "Do you believe that Christ died for you?" because people don't seem to react to that very well.<br>...
  8. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  9. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  10. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  11. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  12. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  13. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  14. B

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    and volunteer to suffer in hell together with the MAJORITY (including those not in your sect and your loved ones)? This is what Jesus did by dying on the cross. From the below answers, it seem like going to heaven in more important for you...
  15. S

    Nonbelievers in Christ / Atheists?

    I am curious this is not a trap or trick question. It is to understand where you are coming from. However, I have reviewed some questions on here and think there are many who have a misguided idea of what Hell is. Like God is a sicko in the sky damning people who don't like him and smoked grass...
  16. C

    Why did jesus tell his followers to kill non-believers?

    Luke 19:27 - But bring those enemies of mine who didn't want me to reign over them here, and kill them before me. Is this kind of terrorism something we need to be wary of from the christian majority in our nation?
  17. K

    When non-believers see christians not acting christ-like, is it a valid excuse to

    say that these Christians...? ... are not real christians when even Christ tells us not to judge others? Can we even tell ppl to look at christ and not christians becuz Christ told us to be a light to the world? If we are a light to the world, shouldn't ppl already be seeing christ in us without...
  18. M

    Christians, why does God use extortion on non-believers?

    "If you don't believe in me, then you're going to hell!!!!11!!!" Why? @Moses Abraham: But God created hell. There's a difference between "Get out of there, your house is on fire", and, "Get out of there because I set your house on fire". Your analogy is flawed. @GC: It seems silly that there...
  19. C

    Why would a prominent Christian pastor wish for non-believers to suffer until they...

    ...find Christ...? and then decry pushy and offensive Christians? That was Chuck Swindoll today on "Today in The Word." As a Christian, I can't tell you how frustrating that is. @Spice Boy: It was actually Moody Bible Radio.
  20. J

    Attention all the nonbelievers of Christ... Why are you following Satan,YOU...

    ...HAVE BEEN FOOLED? You think you don't believe in anything but BY defying GOD You will be automatically following Satan Matthew 12:30 And that book of yours "On The Origin of Species" was inspired by satan To make you believe in THE MYTH OF Evilution And all those sLIEntists that followed...