Nowadays, 3D movies attract the crowds and 3D TV became popular around us. Do you want to watch your normal videos on your 3D TV with special enjoyment? Just wearing a pair of 3D glasses, you will immerse in your movies.
Maybe you are looking for a good program to help you do that. Now, I...
I've noticed that there are a lot of gamers with 300$ i7's running with 250$ GTX 660's and the likes, I'm new to this whole pc building scheme but I feel like that's completely wasting your processor. With such an expensive processor (with the correct slots) shouldn't you be buying a 400-600...
Are there even more scenes added into the blue ray films opposed to that from the normal extended edition DVDs.
I couldn't find an answer on the Internet and ideally would love a response from someone who has seen the blue ray editions and the normal extended editions.
My gold jack Rogers have turned silver on the strap. I have only had them for about 3 months. I got them from a little boutique in my town. They are real jack Rogers, not the knock offs. Please help me!!
My laptop drive is loose i can move it slightly up/down and sideways is this normal? Should i return it? The dvds work great and there no problem loading the content.
I use BB Curve 9220 with OS 7. but the BIS charges are too high for me. Could you please help me with a trick or technique for reducing the chareges by recharging with normal data plans. thanks in advance.
don't act like you never thought about it. like what they just see them in a crowd and chase them down? how can it happen? will it happen?? details??? would it matter if the fan is a year older?? how would you approach this issue? would this certain celebrity that i like be offended...
what should i do. i feel like i am addicted to hiking. this hiking trip was a little bit difficult because i did not have food with me. i burned almost 7000 calorie and i eat about 700 calorie. after sleeping 4 hours and walking 16 hours with 2-3 minutes rest in between. i could not sleep the...
How long until PDA (Public Displays of Affection) starts to feel normal with my boyfriend? We are gay males, if it matters. It felt alittle awkward when we were at an ice cream place. Could that be cuz there were kids and whatnot? Does it get more natural feeling?
People like famous actors , actresses or singers or even politicians . It's just that I've noticed many of my friends and many more in my age group seem to know a lot about them . As in like they know every little bit happening in their lives whereas I don't even know their names and couldn't...
im 17 and i will turn 18 in 3 virgin.I am regular on my period.last month I got my menstrual cycle 6 days before the day i got my last period (like if i got my last period on the 22th i got my current period on the 15th)...
this was last month. this month I got it 7 days
It used to have a data plan but it is currently disabled. No one is using it.. I was wondering if it will work if I put a sim in it? I have two sims. One is the normal sim and the other is a gophone sim. I do not have a charger for my blackberry so I can't turn it on to see if it works. Please...
I have a poodle that keeps trying to fuk my old female cat. The cat doesnt complain and just let him pound her. I find it hilarious and i think shes enjoying the pounding. Should i stop them?