
  1. S

    I am currently doing the insanity fitness program and experiencing something odd,...

    ...is this normal? READ? A bit about myself: Female 5,2" 110 lb I have recently started insanity and approximately 15 minutes into the workout, i experience the same pain as menstrual cramps. Is this normal? The pain is in my abdomen area. Thank you! Yes, that's exactly it! So do you think my...
  2. A

    Mom jokes, a celebrity threesome and other odd moments from Jose Canseco?s Reddit AMA

    Jose Canseco is, at this point, like a Sacha Baron Cohen creation. He's wacky, unpredictable and the type of character who makes you wonder, "is this for real?" But like Borat or Bruno, if you pay attention for a few minutes, it's quite obvious it's all a big show. Still, Canseco — the former...
  3. S

    Just noticed an odd sound coming from my pc, what is it?

    Hi guys, come across an irritating noise, sounds like morse code but distorted and high pitch its really odd, its hard to notice, but i know its there. Its louder with earphones but volume doesn't effect it. When I move my mouse the noise becomes more of a constant beep or goes away, the noise...
  4. M

    OD'd on nicotine patch. how long before it's out of my bloodstream?

    Hi I started the nicotine patch yesterday and I actually put it on late in the day and took it off around 1AM. Clearly it was too much for me because I started feeling nauseous and threw up. My question is how long it takes before the nausea goes away and the nicotine is out of my bloodstream...
  5. G

    Donald Trump Photobombed by Odd Future's Tyler the Creator

    This may be the greatest*Donald Trump*photo ever. The Celebrity Apprentice*boss was the victim of a photobomb when he posed with a fan for a picture after appearing on...
  6. D

    1992 Chevrolet caprice, odd noise after driving a few miles?

    i have a 1992 Chevrolet caprice classic station wagon, after traveling about 5 miles an old-style, loud scary buzzer goes off. what could it indicate?
  7. J

    is it odd I find nothing different between a dvd and blu-ray expect the price?

    I hardly noticed a difference between the two, I think the actual tv makes the differnec
  8. R

    Why is it only odd to be interested in Christianity if you're not Christian?

    I would really appreciate some thoughtful answers on this. I am a Christian historian. I am interested in Christianity in Europe during Medieval and Renaissance times. I am not a Christian. It is frequently remarked that this makes my interest a little odd. But none of my colleagues get told...
  9. V

    Am I odd for thinking that Don Glover is the funniest man in America at the moment?

    Am I so strange in my tastes or have people just not been giving that weirdo a chance? His stand KILLS me.
  10. H

    Pisces anger & odd humor?

    do they get angry if you say anything about their friends and family? are they dangerous when their literally at the boiling point of anger? and what about the odd humour?are they really good at hurting people when they want to?
  11. A

    Longest rushing play in Texans history stands on odd review rule

    We thought it was Thanksgiving. Who knew it was actually Flag Day? The good news for the Houston Texans: They scored a touchdown on the longest run in franchise history. The bad news: That sort of ... well, didn't really happen. With 6:50 left in the third quarter of Houston's game against the...
  12. V

    Very Odd Online Dating Situation Lol.?

    Lol. Okay, I am on a dating website and my interests said "Men and Women". BUT I am interested in women only. I DIDN'T KNOW MY PROFILE SAID IT. Lol. What makes matters worse is that my cousin finds me!! Says "I didn't know you got down like that" Im like NNOOOOOOO LOL. Now I feel very weird...
  13. A

    isnt it odd that we celebrate christ's birthday instead of death?

    December 25 was a day celebrated by pagans nearly 2000 years Christ was born. The purpose of December 25 was originally intended for celebrating the winter solstice and the rebirth of the warmer season. The Bible doesn't give us an exact date when Christ was born yet we know exactly when He...
  14. A

    Meaning of this really odd dream?

    I remember packing for a trip and some black janitor was helping us and he kept staring at me. I went on a trip and only remember driving in a HUGE truck and driving back. I was using the bathroom in my house when I got home and said to myself "someone wants to come in the house" and I was...
  15. M

    How come my speedpmeter says 130 yet online on some odd site it says my car can...

    ...only go 107mph? A lot of people modify the car and it's a rice burner a stock 1994 honda civic ex. I had a mercury cougar that would burry the digital read out after 85mph. . I'd expect 107 for an oldsmobile delta 88 but not this honda. what is going on. I want to figure out how fast it can go.
  16. J

    Odd trivia movie question?

    (this question may offend some people if your easily offended please don't read and if you do read it and are offended I apologize in advance) Im trying to remember a movie I saw awhile ago but there's only one scene I can really remember.. on a road trip the main character stop on the side of...
  17. Lisa

    odd periods every two weeks?

    I went 5 months without a period, but finally got one and it was pretty normal. But then two weeks later, it was like i had another period, but it was a brown discharge instead of blood and it doesnt really have an odor to it. I thought maybe it was because i went so long without a period, but...
  18. W

    Survey: Ready for a little odd survey?

    1) Do you have one finger longer than the other? 2) Is one of your toes longer that the other? Which one? 3) Do you have any odd hairs growing in strange places? Like on your big toe... 4) Are you a little long in the tooth? I am going to let Yahoo pick categories for me today 5) Have you...
  19. A

    Anybody else find it odd that calvin johnson is doing a commercial for

    acura when he plays in detroit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_cGuIO-aP4&sns=em
  20. A

    Is it odd for a handsome guy to like anime?

    I know this guy.. I just met him he is really cute/handsome..etc. anyways he told me that he likes anime I kinda like it. I have never met a handsome guy that likes anime I think this is kinda wierd.....do you think a guy like this can exist..because in the past people have been telling me that...