
  1. S

    Liberals: Are there any organizations or interests that disagree with you

    that you don't consider racist? I notice that every organization or group that opposes illegal immigration is called racist by your media and your allies. Is it possible to oppose illegal immigration or even government spending (tea party) without being racist in your eyes? Also, don't you feel...
  2. K

    are there any humanitarian or aids organizations that hire cooks?

    Im really looking to make a difference and have just finished a chef course, I would like to work in the humanitarian field and was hoping to get information on international relief organizations that may hire cooks or chefs for in the field?
  3. T

    Global Scientific Research Organizations Release Recommendations For How G8 Should Im

    The Royal Society of Canada, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and other scientific research organizations from around the world released a statement (.pdf) on Tuesday with recommendations for G8 countries on how to improve the health of women and children worldwide, the Toronto Star...
  4. S

    I would like to travel across India, meeting people and organizations to knit them... work together.? I would like to travel across India, meeting people and organizations to knit them to work together, to rebuild the new India, based on Humanist principals of Non-violence and Non-discrimination. I need contact information of organizations and people interested in this...
  5. S

    Are you agree that Iranian's Security Organizations been successfull...

    ...against westerns and israel? Iranian's Security & Defence Organization consist of 6 different layers: 1-Iran Security Organization(ISO)-Ext./Int. 2-Iran Military Security Organization(IMSO)-Ext./Int. 3-IRGC Security Organization(IRGC)-Ext./Int. 4-Iran Basij Security Force(IBSF)-Int. 5-Iran...
  6. T

    The Johns Hopkins Hospital Named One Of World's Most Ethical Organizations

    The Ethisphere Institute, a New York-based think tank established to advance best practices in business ethics and corporate social responsibility, has named The Johns Hopkins Hospital to its 2010 list of the world's most ethical companies and institutions. The Johns Hopkins Hospital was one of...
  7. T

    Complex New Guidelines From Multiple Organizations Confuses Men About Prostate Cancer

    Members of America's Prostate Cancer Organizations are concerned that the issuance this morning of yet another set of new guidelines on screening for prostate cancer is only adding to the confusion most men already feel about whether they should or shouldn't be tested for the most common form of...
  8. T

    Resurrected ParticipACTION Initiative Success Underpinned By Brand, Organizations

    Despite a six-year hiatus, a resurrected national physical activity initiative in Canada, ParticipACTION, still has the potential to succeed thanks to a "sticky" brand fostered over thirty successful years, and support from organizations with health promotion and physical activity as their...
  9. T

    CMS Approves Three National Organizations To Accredit Suppliers Of Advanced Imaging S

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is designating three national accreditation organizations - the American College of Radiology (ACR), the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC), and The Joint Commission (TJC) - to accredit suppliers furnishing the technical component (TC)...
  10. T

    FDA, Health Organizations To Study Safety Of Medications Taken During Pregnancy

    A new research program called the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program (MEPREP) will fund research to study the effects of prescription medications used during pregnancy. The program is a collaboration among the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and researchers at the HMO...
  11. T

    FDA, Health Organizations To Study Safety Of Medications Taken During Pregnancy

    A new research program called the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program (MEPREP) will fund research to study the effects of prescription medications used during pregnancy. The program is a collaboration among the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and researchers at the HMO...
  12. A

    want to find about some organizations that help gay with immigration assistance? NYC?

    need some help to find organizations in NYC to help gay, bi, i be grateful for your time
  13. T

    Eating Disorder Organizations Join Forces To Urge Focus On Health And Lifestyle Rathe

    In an unprecedented show of concern, The Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA), Eating Disorder Coalition (EDC), International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals (IADEP), and National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) have joined forces and are...
  14. T

    Eating Disorder Organizations Join Forces To Urge Focus On Health And Lifestyle Rathe

    In an unprecedented show of concern, The Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA), Eating Disorder Coalition (EDC), International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals (IADEP), and National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) have joined forces and are...
  15. D

    Are religious organizations like a snake and if you cut off the head, will...

    ...the body die? Or, will the body just wriggle around for a while then grow a new head?
  16. M

    (Preferably nondenominational) Mission trip in Africa: Organizations that let

    teens help? Does anyone know a reputable mission group or charity sort of program that allows teenagers to help, preferably nondenominational and in Africa? I do a lot of volunteer work in my community now but I would love to travel to Africa in the summer to volunteer my time over there. I'm a...
  17. L

    What organizations offered help to the Ash Wednesday Bushfires?

    Thankyou in advance! :]
  18. B

    Should those who run their organizations into the ground take wasteful vacations at

    taxpayer expense? Why do we tolerate this kind of waste and excess while we are giving them billions of dollars?
  19. C

    Why are feminists not complaining about these organizations? I though if there were services for men we were supposed to get mad (according to some guys here). Do any of my feminist friends have a problem with this? If not, can we just consider the matter dropped? (I...