so my two budgies had a baby and everything was great for a while. then i moved them into a new cage a few month later because none of the other eggs hatched :(. so in the new cage the female and the baby (who im guessing is also a female since the color of her nose and the female bother her...
stocked its cage with food and water...? would it be okay for a week? I know its not ideal, but I live in China so the whole vet boarding thing or whatever people suggest doesn't really work here, also I don't want to let people into my apartment when Im not there.
My parakeet's vent is swollen. At first I thought her vent was blocked by droppings or something, so I picked her up to help clean out her vent but now i don't think that's the problem after seeing it close. When she was sitting in her cage, i think she needed to poop and her vent (which looks...
My parakeet's vent is swollen. At first I thought her vent was blocked by droppings or something, so I picked her up to help clean out her vent but now i don't think that's the problem after seeing it close. When she was sitting in her cage, i think she needed to poop and her vent (which looks...
oh god someone please help!!! My parakeet's vent is clogged up or swollen. At first Ithought she was constipated, so I picked her up to help clean out her vent but then I see a red swollen "ball" sticking out of her vent.
She does not seem to be in pain but she has a hard time pooping, I can see...
I just brought a young parakeet like 2 days ago from a pet store...and its not well...doing anything! It hasnt been chirping, whistling, or making noise. The only thing it does is eat and sit on its perch. We brought it toys and stuff but it doesnt want to play. Ive let it out but it keeps...
i know the second one is a breeder cage but it can be a normal cage. for one parakeet thnx
Ok, so I got a parakeet yestersay and I did nothing but read about them and wistle with him and he was hurt at the store we got him at, a swing got shoved threw his beak and throat, he survived (its been 2 months) he let's me pet him as long as he is steady on his water bowl and he dances tot...
It was his favorite toy since he was little but i bought him a mate a year ago so why is he still loving the bell not the other bird? should i take it away and he'll like the other bird? but if he likes it then i don't want to make him sad...
mated, does this mean she's pregnant? My parakeet has been wiggling one foot and then the other foot. I had another parakeet do this, and that bird laid eggs. Does this mean my birdie is pregnant or just she's itchy?
My new parakeet has not eaten or drank anything yet. I held spray millet in front and it ate a little. How can i show him where the food bowl is? Also what is the mating ritual for parakeets?thanks!
I have had my parakeet for about 4-5 months since it was a baby (3-4 months old) and have worked with it and handled it and tamed it. I had been wanting a friend for my baby bird for a while now because I thought it might need a Companion. I went down to the local grange pet store today and...
I have a male and a female parakeet the male is 2 or 3 years old and the female is only 1. My male keeps trying to kiss my female and she will kiss him back only if he's in front of her and when ever he reaches out toward her she cuddles into this walk in mirror so he can't get to her. My male...
I got a new parakeet, he's young and his name is Chico.
I just got him yesterday and today i got him to let me hold him and let me pet him, a lot.
He sits in the same place in his cage and has only eaten a little bit of what i hand fed him but nothing on his own, i know that this is normal for...