
  1. L

    Can i dirty flash 4.2.2 to 4.3 android on paranoid android ?

    Hey guys, im on paranoid android 4.2.2 ver. 3.60 and i wana update that rom to 4.3 ver. 3.97, my question is can i dirty flash over it and update it? or i should factory reset then flash the new version? or i should wipe everything then install a new rom? thanks!
  2. M

    RADIOHEAD - PARANOID ANDROID. please explain the music video to me.?

    i watch the video, and it was like what the fu*k ? even tough i know the real meaning about the song, i can't seem to understand what the director trying to say in that video. could somebody please explain it to me? detail by detail, scene by scene.
  3. M

    RADIOHEAD - PARANOID ANDROID. please explain the music video to me.?

    i watch the video, and it was like what the fu*k ? even tough i know the real meaning about the song, i can't seem to understand what the director trying to say in that video. could somebody please explain it to me? detail by detail, scene by scene.
  4. C

    I have a crisis on my hands well to me its a crisis bc im paranoid lol can

    anyone help? :)? So im annoyed i get paranoid very easily my bf even gets annoyed anyway here's what im worried about..yesterday we got a pull out couch from a former family member and i always clean stuff i get from other people well i was cleaning the bed part and i saw like a brown bug well...
  5. G

    I am paranoid i got spyware on my android. but there is no signs there is?

    I havent downloaded any apps and i have scanned my phone 3 times. Nothing was found. It all started when i had to put in anti robot code to be able to search on Google, but that only lasted for a day.
  6. G

    Scared i got spyware on my android, or am i just paranoid ?

    I havent downloaded any apps and i have scanned my phone 3 times. Nothing was found. It all started when i had to put in anti robot code to be able to search on Google, but that only lasted for a day.
  7. A

    Should I wake my mom up, or am I just paranoid?

    Okay so, it's 3 a.m and for the last hour I've been hearing what I swear sounds like a clown horn or something like that every few minuets. I'm in my bedroom and I think I've figured out where it's coming from but I can't see anything that would be making that sound. I'm fourteen and I was...
  8. U

    Are my thoughts logical or paranoid about the warren buffet tax hike ?

    When ever a rich guy campaigns to have their taxes raised I get a bit skeptical about their motivation because the self interest angle is not that obvious I begin to think there is some shell game going on. fact- increased taxes are not in a person's self interst fact warren buffet takes a...
  9. S

    Paranoid after smoking marijuanna?

    Last night i tried marijuanna for the first time. Wellt echnically it was the herbal stuff K2. I had one cone and majorlly tripped out. As i came back round i noticed my heart rate was pree fast. Now i know that happens due to smoking pot, but i got really freaked out and thought i was having a...
  10. L

    how can i get rid of paranoid feeling?

    on friday something bad happened... a guy broke into our house and attacked our cleaner. and i didnt hear him come in.. so he couldve taken me out first. so i have this parnoid feeling all the time now im nervous all the time scared that the guy decides to come back more prepared... even now...
  11. S

    Is he just not interested in me or am I paranoid? See the reply he sent to my

    message? We've been friends for a few months now but don't see each other much as he lives 50km away. Anyhow, a week ago he invited me for a coffee and we talked about relationships. We're both single, no children in our 30s. He asked me if I wanted to be with a man, if I ever felt alone. I told...
  12. B

    Am I nauseous or just a paranoid android?

    Hey, I am posting this cause I need some advice. I am in my 3rd year at uni and have major finals coming up. I have been revising but I really cannot afford to get sick in any way, shape or form. Recently I have worried about not doing so well in my exam that I got that butterflies in your tummy...
  13. U

    Why are people so paranoid about PDA?

    Actually I won't lie I hardly see two guys kissing in public. It seems I'm always seeing straight couples being all over themselves. yet when gay couples do that same thing its wrong? I mean I don't know why people have an issue with kissing or even a little making out in public. I mean what is...
  14. U

    Why are people so paranoid about PDA?

    Actually I won't lie I hardly see two guys kissing in public. It seems I'm always seeing straight couples being all over themselves. yet when gay couples do that same thing its wrong? I mean I don't know why people have an issue with kissing or even a little making out in public. I mean what is...
  15. E

    Is my friend Gay or am I just paranoid?

    I have a friend who is a boy, but the reason I think he might be gay is that theres this boy at my school and for some reason he sometimes talks about how he is so cool and amazing and stuff, its quite strange really because the other day we were at the ice rink and he randomly started talking...
  16. D

    paranoid or problem I am 18 and wondering if I am starting to panic I have a disease?

    I am 18 and have been wondering if I have a motor disease like ALS or parkinson's coming on occasionally I notice my fingers slightly twitch and I feel a little bit dizzy or lightheaded the only thing is it's usually just when I think about it.Any advice would really help!
  17. F

    I think she's losing interest or am i being a bit paranoid?

    I've been dating this girl for two months, we have been taking it slowly. Our dates would have been dinner,dvds and she'd come out with me and my friends two (she's friends with some of them anyway). Recently she brought up the fact she didn't think i felt a spark and that she did in the...
  18. Z

    Taking PEP after sleeping with a man, Am I being paranoid ?

    Hey guys, I recently slept with a guy I don't know that well. Just happens that during for play he inserted the tip of his erect penis into my anus for about 2 seconds. I remember telling him off about it and insisted he put on his condom. He had one in his pocket which , to me , is a good...
  19. B

    Happiness Is a Warm Gun (The Beatles) vs Paranoid Android (Radiohead)?

    Which do you think is the better song? They are pretty similar and Paranoid Android is supposedly inspired by it. I love Paranoid Android but I think I'm going to have to go with HIaWG as it's my favorite Beatles song by a country mile. BQ: Now playing? BQ2: Best album from both bands? BQ3...
  20. J

    help me please! i am paranoid about being bisexual/lesbian.?

    so i have always been attracted to men and i have always had crushes on guys. but ever since i watched a youtube video of a gay guy that supported homosexuals and said that every 1 in 9 is and that when you are 16 it will be more clear to you and that they are no different, etc i am afraid that...