
  1. G

    Robert Pattinson in ‘How To Be’

    Robert Pattinson’s film, How To Be is coming to the U.S.! The movie, which he filmed before Twilight, is set to premiere on IFC Festival Direct in April.The film follows Robert as Art, a young man suffering a quarter-life crisis who moves back in with his parents and convinces a Canadian...
  2. Z

    Which celebrity is hotter... internet famous Kaiden Blake or Rob Pattinson...

    ...from Twilight? These are my 2 favorite male vampires. They both have fangs in real life and they are both smart and hot. But which one is hotter? Google Kaiden Blake or Rob Pattinson if you need to know more info or see more pix!
  3. S

    Does anyone know where I can find the audition with Robert Pattinson and

    Kristin Stewart for twilight? It is the audition on the director's, Catherine Hardwicke's, bed...
  4. S

    where can i buy wristbands to meet robert pattinson on his twilight tour?

    i REALLY REALLY need to know where i can get the wristbands and tshirts for the twilight tour thing. ive heard of the tour and i might be going but when i heard about the stuff you can but to meet robert I FLIPPED!!!!! PLZ IF YOU CAN HELP ME OR KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO CAN PLZ TELL ME I REALLY NEED...
  5. M


    every one says that robert pattison is gay?? but i dont c it! people also say that hes gay cuz hes in a gay movie....but its juss pisses me off cuz i love him and i hate it when ppl say hes gay! is he really though.
  6. E

    Robert Pattinson is it just a rumor?? ?

    Did Robert Pattinson really cut his gorgeous hair or is that just a rumor? if he did can i have a pic of it.
  7. K

    Robert Pattinson rumor?

    Is it true that Rob Pattinson is engaged and that his fiance is pregnant? Thank you!!!
  8. M

    is it possiable to meet Robert Pattinson?

    I just wanted to know if there was a way i could meet him? like i live in Katy,Tx and im broke. So is there a way that would be possiable? cause i truely love him and Twilight so much.
  9. M

    Who else felt that Robert Pattinson's eyes were going to pop out of his skull in...

    ...Twilight? Kristens acting: Good Robert's acting: Crap! he was trying to retain that sexy-smouldering eye thing throughout the entire film and as a result his facial expression didnt change. seriously, he stared so intently at the screen i felt like his eyes would come flying out of his head...
  10. G

    Is anyone else totally in love with Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) from twilight?

    I adore him, he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous, i know alot of you proberly do like him, because look at him (on google images or something) but ooooft i could look at him allll day !!!