
  1. C

    My bunny keeps peeing on the carpet and her bed, how do i do stop her?

    this is really becoming a problem, thank you for your help
  2. S

    Why does my cat keep peeing on the bed?

    One of my cats keeps peeing in the same exact spot on my bed once or twice a week. She has been doing it ever since I moved back into my mom's house about two months ago. I brought my other two cats with me and my mom's cats usually hang out everywhere else in the house (she gets along with my...
  3. A

    How do I stop peeing during sex?

    It wasnt until a few months ago that I experienced my first orgasm. I'm not even sure if that's what it is. It feels great and liquid goes everywhere. A LOT. At first I thought it was okay, but I'm really not sure if it's ejaculate or pee. For women I know the sensation of peeing happens when...
  4. G

    Fujifilm's Unsettling X10 Ad Features Peeing Dogs, Butchered Fish, and Topless Dolls

    I have no idea what Fujifilm is trying to sell me in this creepy Japanese ad for their X10 point and shoot. Maybe the camera has a secret mode that can see inside my head and photograph my chilling nightmares? More »
  5. C

    is it possible for my peeing whole to shrink with a healing gadget ? please help?

    I had a std at the beginning of this week and stin aroudn my peeing hole was red soo I then decided t put some polysporin to to help it heal.. I did it for about 3 days today I noticed my peeing hole has shrunk by like 3 millimeters on both sides is it possible that the polysporin may have...
  6. E

    How do I stop my bunny from peeing on the couch?

    I have a 2 yr old lop who is usually very good about using his litter box, but has become very fond of one corner of our couch and the throw pillows there. He's very discreet when he goes there, so I never find out til later which makes it hard to correct him. I heard about A product called the...
  7. N

    My cat wont stop peeing on the carpet!?

    He goes in the litter box but when Im not home he will pee on the carpet or on a pile of clothes please help dont know what to do.. I love him and dont want to have to give him back to my mom. Please email me at [email protected] if you have the solution i wont remember how to get back to...
  8. C

    Should I put my cat to sleep for peeing?

    My female cat is 4 years old. She has a problem with peeing. Especially on my bed. It's happened a little over a half a dozen times over 2 or 3 years. We took her to the vet and the vet found some beginings of crystals and maybe stones. We have had her on a special diet of urinary cat food...
  9. E

    How can I get my cat to stop peeing on my things?

    I know that cats will pee if your room is cluttered or messy, but I keep my room and surroundings very organized and not cluttered. I also know that cats will pee if their litter box is not cleaned, but I make sure to clean it two times a week. My cat is not spraying because (I think) only males...
  10. J

    My dog keeps peeing on are carpet how do you suggest making her stop.?

    shes half Chihuahua half i don't know
  11. K

    Help with my Chiuaua!!! He's peeing everywhere!?

    So Diesel my chiuaua is a boy and is peeing and pooping in my house (my parents house). not neutered and is about a 1yr and some months, I have a 9yr old Sheppard who is a girl and fixed and listens great! I thought Diesel would follow her great and does but the potty training, is it too late...
  12. S

    How to get dog to stop peeing in crate?

    I have a little female Papillon who's been at my house for about a month or so. Her owner/breeder always had her in a small kennel with a wire bottom so she learned to eliminate in her kennel. Now, I have an X-pen set up for her with a crate in the corner, the crate has a bed (small crate, by...
  13. J

    Having trouble peeing?

    I am a 14 year old male. Almost everytime I urinate (or try to at least), It takes around 20-30 seconds to start. Especially during school.. It takes it a bit longer if there are people in the room. I usually just have to skip it out so people don't think I'm just really weird.
  14. D

    Problem! My cats are peeing everywere!?

    hi!! please help me i have a BIG problem let me explain... i have 2 cats, awhile back one had crystals and peed EVERYWHERE so i took him to a vet.3 years later one peed on our hardwood (not sure which one) so i put them both in the basement fer a fer weeks when i came down to feed and water them...
  15. V

    Why is my dog not peeing after being neutered?

    My dog was neutered on wednesday. Afterwards he seemed fine and happy even, he peed a lot all around the house too, but now he hasn't peed for over a day. I'm really worried that he's in pain and his bladder might be in trouble. I'm going to give him less water until tomorrow when I can call the...
  16. M

    How do I stop my dog from peeing all the time when she is greeted,...

    ...excited, scared, nervous, etc....? Our dog is a 1&1/2, she's a husky and a sweet dog but, she pisses everywhere! We cant let her in the house without a diaper, she stays locked up in the kitchen because of her peeing problem. I've tried ignoring her for even a few hours and then as soon as...
  17. S

    Advice... peeing outside when you're hiking... girls?

    My friend said to find someplace with a little slope and face downhill, so that the pee runs downhill away from you. Is that what you do? Also do you take toilet paper or kleenex with you? And do you just drop it on the ground when you're done?
  18. B

    While I was in church, I held my urine for too long and started peeing

    blood...was that the blood of Christ? Should I call my pastor or the hospital?
  19. B

    While I was in church, I held my urine for too long and started peeing

    blood...was that the blood of Christ? Should I call my pastor or the hospital?
  20. M

    How do I stop my cat peeing on everything?

    I have a 2 year old cat who decided about 6 months ago that furniture, clothes, bedding & anything fabric is her toilet. She has ruined my $3000 sofas & they are hard with dried pee. If I leave clothes out, she will pee on them. She pulls clothes off the clothes horse to pee on them. & if I...