
  1. S

    Survey: Only Hindus. For which you give more importance with belief? Percentage?

    Traditional Life: ___ % Modern Life : ___ %
  2. B

    What percentage of Googe+ users only have it so they can review Android apps?

    Or other previously available services that were denied to them in order to pressure them into joining
  3. D

    What is the percentage of movies Netflix has available for download vs those on dvd?

    I heard they don't have the selection available for dowload that they do on DVD but does anyone know the percentage of downloadable movies vs those on dvd?
  4. H

    What percentage of illnesses and death is linked to our dietary habits?

    Isn't it strange how little we think about our diets, when it's the main reason for our health deterioration?
  5. J

    gross cost of goods sold & maintained markup percentage?

    I have the following information and I need to find the maintained markup: % INITIAL MARKUP55.3% % REDUCTION14.3% % CASH DISCOUNT1.2% % GROSS MARGIN50.1% % OPERATING EXPENSES42.2% % NET PROFIT7.9% SEASON TURNOVER2.6 AVERAGE STOCK$132,692 BASIC STOCK$75,192 How do I find the Gross Cost of Goods...
  6. D

    What percentage of computers (both desktop and laptop) have bluetooth built in?

    I'm looking to see if manufacturing a device that relies on customers having an internal Bluetooth chip is worth it. Please provide a source of your knowledge.
  7. B

    What percentage of people can trade stocks successfully without a brokers help?

    I mean no brokers advice, no advice from magazines and no tips from nowhere. Just their own effort and trade successfully. I want the percentages. Kindly mention which country you are form while answering.
  8. E

    What percentage of Religion is BS?

    if you had to make an opinion, give or take 5%...
  9. C

    Iphone Battery Percentage?

    I was just curious, how many of you guys use the battery percentage indicator on your iPhone? I used to use mine all the time but then after a while it started to get annoying watching the percentage trickle down while I'm using it. So I decided to turn it off.*What about you, do you use it or...
  10. R

    What percentage of people cheat on games like Words with friends and Trivia

    question of the Day? I know is an app for words with friends that lists the highest scoring words and a long list of possible moves and that people can look up answers before they choose.
  11. T

    How do I replace the battery image with the percentage in the status bar on iPhone...

    ...4 iOS 4.3 jailbroken? I want it to be just a number, no percentage symbol, no picture. And SBSettings doesn't work, it only ADDS a number and symbol to the image. Doesn't take anything away.
  12. M

    What Percentage of all relationships end?

    so apparently around 50% of all marriages end in divorce, but im curious to know what percentage of all relationships end. From ones that last a week, a month, or even years. Tell me how many relationships you have been in that have ended.
  13. M

    During cruising speed of an airliner, usually about what percentage of thrust...

    ...are they using? For example if 100% of thrust is full power do they usually cruise at about 85% power? Does an airliner ever require to go 100% full power besides take-off?
  14. C

    What percentage of Americans own a Toyota? Honda? Lexus? Mercedes? Hyundai?...

    ...Volkswagen? Chevrolet? I need to make a pie chart out of these percentages. All others would fall into the "Others" category.
  15. M

    What percentage of people drive a suv in the US?

    does anyone know? With a source please!
  16. N

    What percentage of transwomen are lesbians and what percentage are heterosexual?

    Also bisexual and asexual? Is it true that majority of transwomen are lesbians? If so, why aren't there recorded evidences of existence of lesbian transgirls in history?
  17. M

    What sport has the highest percentage of injuries?

    Is it freestyle motocross?
  18. K

    What Roth IRA's have the highest compound interest percentage?

    I wish i could find at least a 5%..
  19. P

    Does less nicotine or/and tar percentage make cigarettes safer ?

    There are different brands of cigarettes and some of them contain more or less nicotine and tar level. So does that difference make one or other safer or not.
  20. P

    what is zac efron's body fat percentage?

    he's 156 pounds benches 200 and has a 6 pack. this is what i want to look like so what is his bf percent. i read somewhere 7.5% am i right or close?