
  1. T

    From a Christian perspective, should parents who raise children without religion be

    punished? I have two daughters, one is 17, the other 19. I have raised them in very much the same fashion I was raised, with what I believe is a healthy skepticism toward certain types of authority. I have cautioned them from accepting at face value statements like that "America is the...
  2. S

    Christians, please state your perspective regarding Wicca.?

    Simply inform me of your perspective, should they be allowed to believe what they do, as you should be allowed to believe what you do?
  3. S

    Christians, please state your perspective regarding Wicca.?

    Simply inform me of your perspective, should they be allowed to believe what they do, as you should be allowed to believe what you do?
  4. K

    looking for an old book about a killer bear, told from the bears' perspective.?

    This book is approx. 40 years old. A great thriller about an oversized bear cub who is abandoned by his mother. He grows up to be a huge killer bear who attacks campers, etc. in the forest. It is told from the bears' perspective. Very well written. CAn't find it anywhere. I thought the...
  5. R

    Iam looking for Introduction to Auto CAD 2011: A Modern Perspective book. i just

    need chapter 2 and 3.? please i just ordered online but i have work to on that book ASAP and i cant find it please
  6. T

    In need of a Lesbian perspective.?

    I have a simple question that's been bugging me for a while now: I, as a heterosexual male, find the idea of me being "in love" or having a physical relationship with a man to be very disturbing. So I'm curious, do Lesbians feel the same way when it comes to men? Thank you in advance for...
  7. T

    In need of a Lesbian perspective.?

    I have a simple question that's been bugging me for a while now: I, as a heterosexual male, find the idea of me being "in love" or having a physical relationship with a man to be very disturbing. So I'm curious, do Lesbians feel the same way when it comes to men? Thank you in advance for...
  8. M

    Help with writing from a boy's perspective?

    Hello, I am halfway through with writing my novel. I am one of those writers who edits while they type, so I wanted some advice before I continue with the end. The problem is that I am a girl (and a girly one indeed), and the novel that I am writing is written from a 17 year old boy's...
  9. S

    Can somebody recommend a good fantasy book told from the perspective of a guy?

    I'm so sick of female protagonists! It can be adult but I would prefer young adult :)
  10. T

    An Evidence-based Perspective On Traumatic Brain Injury In Professional Football

    Experts from Johns Hopkins Medicine hosted a press conference following a continuing medical education program on the epidemiology of head injury in professional football. The program was an evidence-based review of traumatic brain injury in the sport. The objectives of the conference on...
  11. R

    Who is better Federer or Nadal? Lets discuss with more perspective...?

    OK Roger is the more successful player sure. But is he the better player? I am a Roger fan but I want to discuss the issue objectively. Infact, I have decided to assign points out of 5 to each component of their game, lets see what comes up! 1. Serve- Rafa is bullshit compared to Roger. Roger's...
  12. D

    From a Martial Arts perspective, what do you think about Jean Claude Van Damme's... "In Hell"? Bizzare question I know seeing that it was released years ago. I jst felt that it embodied alot of martial arts traits and qualities. What would you have done if you were in his shoes? Yeah I really like it its what turned me on to Van Damme I saw part of it on TV years ago...
  13. G

    OK City in Perspective: Clinton on Maddow

    Our words: "They fall on the serious and the delerious alike. They fall on the connected and the unhinged alike." Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. S

    What perspective change occurs when we change 'planes' at the 'Aireport', and catch

    a connecting flight to God? Sometimes when your in limbo at the Aire~Port waiting for your eagle to land....there is waiting that takes place.... right? : )) But they that wait upon the LORD (Yehova - Self~Existing~Eternal One who inhabits Eternity) shall renew their strength; they shall...
  15. G

    Anton Zuiker provides perspective for Science Online 10 (#scio10)

    I pointed to this earlier, but I think it deserves its own post (hat tip ABATC) Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  16. G

    Anton Zuiker provides perspective for Science Online 10 (#scio10)

    I pointed to this earlier, but I think it deserves its own post (hat tip ABATC) Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  17. G

    Anton Zuiker provides perspective for Science Online 10 (#scio10)

    I pointed to this earlier, but I think it deserves its own post (hat tip ABATC) Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  18. G

    A Perspective on Critical Thinking

    The process of using critical thinking involves several steps. These steps work formally in experimental design and analysis, studying and mastering new concepts as we learn and in making decisions that people need to make in the various aspects of our lives. They also work informally and...
  19. A

    From a Christian perspective, which one of these following statements...

    ...regarding the Anti-Christ is true? From a Christian perspective, which one of these following statements (as shown below) regarding the Anti-Christ is true?? :-/ Please answer. Thanks. A. The Christian concept of the Anti-Christ is literal. In other words, the Anti-Christ is literally a...
  20. T

    Which women's health issue can I discuss from political economy perspective ?

    Which women's health issue can I discuss from political economy perspective ? I need to write a paper on structural functionalism theory and I am supposed to have one women's health issue that can be discussed from this perspective... any ideas ???