
  1. G

    Why isn't my laptop picking up my phone via bluetooth?

    I opened the bluetooth configuration in control panel and the bluetooth on my phone is on, they're just not....connecting.
  2. K

    Help with picking Samsung TV?

    Hi, i would like some advise on which TV i should purchase from the following..... http://www.johnlewis.com/231078550/Product.aspx?SearchTerm=le32c530 http://www.johnlewis.com/230950654/Product.aspx?SearchTerm=LE32C580J1 http://www.johnlewis.com/230962781/Product.aspx?SearchTerm=UE32C4000P...
  3. J

    Have you ever gone on a "working vacation" fruit picking to Australia?

    If you have ever done this could you tell me if it is worth it? How is the pay? Does it pay for the entire vacation? What other jobs can you do over there while on vacation? Thanks
  4. S

    Need advice on picking a bluetooth headset?

    This holiday season I really need to know what headset is amazing to buy as a gift. The uses are for video gaming and overall us ( car,work, school etc..) I want something that has a very good level of noise canceling technology, some friends have suggested Aliph jawbone 3 headsets becasue of...
  5. L

    Please help me with picking a new phone! Advice Needed LOL!?!?

    Okay so im getting the new iPod touch so i dont need a phone for multimedia, just one for calling texting etc etc. I would like one for about 50 euro, but its no slow. I got a phone last year for 90 euro and it was so slow i actually smashed it in frustration! lol. So any advice would be really...
  6. M

    I need help with picking out my new cellphone!?

    Alright, lets say I want a new cellphone of mine to use, here are be the things I would want included in the cellphone: I want it to be a touch-screen phone, and slim and awesome looking, just like the iPhone 4. I want it to support music and it DOES NOT have to be 3GS. QWERTY CAN'T be included...
  7. S

    Picking a new phone Sony Ericsson Vivas Pro vs LG Xenon?

    They are both the same price, i just want to know what one is better. I wont be using it for web browsing, just for calls and texts. I need threaded SMS!! Any ideas?
  8. B

    Help picking a t-mobile smartphone phone?

    Help picking a t-mobile smartphone phone? I've never had a smart phone and i'm going to be getting one. I'm down to three options from what i've looked up. Samsung Vibrant T-Mobile G2 T-Mobile My Touch 4G the price on them won't really be a concern in which one I buy. I've never had a qwerty...
  9. B

    Help picking a t-mobile smartphone phone?

    I've never had a smart phone and i'm going to be getting one. I'm down to three options from what i've looked up. Samsung Vibrant T-Mobile G2 T-Mobile My Touch 4G the price on them won't really be a concern in which one I buy. I've never had a qwerty keyboard, so I kinda need it easy to use...
  10. D

    i need help picking computer speakers out?

    i got 2 computer speakers i want to buy but i don't know what one is better here are the links from bestbuy should i get this one http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Logitech+-+Z313+2.1-Channel+Speaker+System+(3-Piece)+-+Black/Silver/9427774.p?id=1218104302605&skuId=9427774 or this one...
  11. D

    i need help picking computer speakers out?

    i got 2 computer speakers i want to buy but i don't know what one is better here are the links from bestbuy should i get this one http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Logitech+-+Z313+2.1-Channel+Speaker+System+(3-Piece)+-+Black/Silver/9427774.p?id=1218104302605&skuId=9427774 or this one...
  12. B

    what do i wear to apple picking when the degree is 80F? and its my first...

    ...date with a guy that i have interest.? is it okay for me to wear shorts or should i wear jeans?
  13. I

    help picking a truck?

    Im looking for a truck that is 4x4, manual transmission, and has a 4 or 6 cylinder( preferably 4). Anybody know trucks that have these options. Looking for something cheap, could be old or in crappy condition for under 3k..thanks
  14. eee

    i need your help in picking a new smartphone..?

    Ok so I currently have the motorola droid 1, and its not that bad but I am switching to sprint so I was stuck between getting the samsung epic or the evo.. I am not sure which one to get.. I need hard evidence on which phone is better.. like which phone has better features, thanx for reading
  15. eee

    i need your help in picking a new smartphone..?

    Ok so I currently have the motorola droid 1, and its not that bad but I am switching to sprint so I was stuck between getting the samsung epic or the evo.. I am not sure which one to get.. I need hard evidence on which phone is better.. like which phone has better features, thanx for reading
  16. A

    How do I stop my webcam from picking up my laptop fan?

    Hey everybody. I have an online speech class this semester in school that requires me to film speeches and submit them. Well everytime I record myself, the webcam picks up the noise [even though it's not running loudly] of my laptops fan running so you can hear me talk but you hear the whirring...
  17. L

    why do my fishes keep picking on the stones?

    is it because they are trying to get bits of food at the bottom of the tank?? but even after i just cleaned the tank and i haven't fed them they start picking on the pebbles like they pick it up with their mouths and just drop it again they do it alot why? normal gold fish
  18. Z

    need help picking subs?

    hey guys ok so this is what im looking at whats the loudest? 6 10" kicker cvr, 2 15" kicker cvx, 2 15" kicker l7, 1 15" orion hcca, 1 18" fi btl. whats the loudest? thanks!
  19. Z

    need help picking subs?

    hey guys ok so this is what im looking at whats the loudest? 6 10" kicker cvr, 2 15" kicker cvx, 2 15" kicker l7, 1 15" orion hcca, 1 18" fi btl. whats the loudest? thanks!
  20. Z

    need help picking subs?

    hey guys ok so this is what im looking at whats the loudest? 6 10" kicker cvr, 2 15" kicker cvx, 2 15" kicker l7, 1 15" orion hcca, 1 18" fi btl. whats the loudest? thanks!