
  1. A

    My verizon palm pixi wont send a txt?

    My cousin is alltell and i'm verizon and she got a blackberry. It will let her send me messages but it wont let me send them back? it says (code 98) Whats wrong?
  2. A

    Which phone is better? Palm pixi plus or any of the blackberry curves?

    I am getting a new phone soon (hopefully), and i'm wondering what phone would be better for me. I only use a phone to make calls, texting, and using the web. I want to know which phone would be better for texting cause i am a very heavy texter with long messages to send. It'd be great to help...
  3. A

    Which phone is better? Palm pixi plus or any of the blackberry curves?

    I am getting a new phone soon (hopefully), and i'm wondering what phone would be better for me. I only use a phone to make calls, texting, and using the web. I want to know which phone would be better for texting cause i am a very heavy texter with long messages to send. It'd be great to help...
  4. C

    palm pixi? or samsung seek?

    im getting a new phone because my current phone(blackebrry pear) dies in less than 5 minutes when taken off the charger. so im a typical girl in high school who texts a lot, there are those times when i talk on the phone for a long ime (but theyre not that often), and my plan includes internet...
  5. S

    Palm Pixi Plus or Motorola Backflip?

    I am deciding to purchase either a Palm Pixi Plus or a Motorola Backflip under ATT. I am choosing between these two phone and the only advantage I saw between the Backflip is bigger keyboard and better battery while the Pixi has a better OS and slimmer profile... Which one of these two phones...
  6. F

    Should I get the palm pre plus or palm pixi plus? (for verizon)?

    Just tell me what you love/hate about each phone and which is overall a better phone. I don't care so much about having huge memory storage, but speed is important, as well as call quality and messaging capability.
  7. J

    Palm Pixi for T-Mobile?

    So AT&T now has the Palm Pixi. AT&T uses sim cards, am I right? If they do use sim cards, is it possible to unlock/hack a Palm Pixi from AT&T so I can use it for T-Mobile?
  8. K

    Palm Pixi verizon help?

    im getting a palm pixi from verizon and im NOT getting free internet with it BUT i have a router and it has wireless internet so would it cost me anyything to use the wireless routerand not the regular internet... kind of like the ipod touch but i know that doesnt cost anything
  9. K

    Palm Pixi verizon help?

    im getting a palm pixi from verizon and im NOT getting free internet with it BUT i have a router and it has wireless internet so would it cost me anyything to use the wireless routerand not the regular internet... kind of like the ipod touch but i know that doesnt cost anything
  10. K

    Palm Pixi verizon help?

    im getting a palm pixi from verizon and im NOT getting free internet with it BUT i have a router and it has wireless internet so would it cost me anyything to use the wireless routerand not the regular internet... kind of like the ipod touch but i know that doesnt cost anything
  11. F

    Palm Pixi Facebook Contacts Help?

    I just got a Palm Pixi yesterday and at the store they put all my facebook friends into my phone in my contacts list. The problem is some people don't put their numbers on facebook so their names are in the list with no number. The names just sit there and show their profile picture! It still...
  12. F

    Palm Pixi Facebook Contacts Help?

    I just got a Palm Pixi yesterday and at the store they put all my facebook friends into my phone in my contacts list. The problem is some people don't put their numbers on facebook so their names are in the list with no number. The names just sit there and show their profile picture! It still...
  13. S

    free palm pixi ringtones?

    where can i get pal pixi ringtones free palm pixi for sprint free
  14. J

    How do I put ringtones on my Palm Pixi for Verizon Wireless?

    I've had my new Palm Pixi for going on a month now and still don't have a single ringtone on it. I've tried just about all of the free sites (funformobile, ventones, etc), I've tried to sync music from my iPod Touch to the phone, I've tried to have people send me ringtones through text messages...
  15. J

    How do I put ringtones on my Palm Pixi for Verizon Wireless?

    I've had my new Palm Pixi for going on a month now and still don't have a single ringtone on it. I've tried just about all of the free sites (funformobile, ventones, etc), I've tried to sync music from my iPod Touch to the phone, I've tried to have people send me ringtones through text messages...
  16. J

    How do I put ringtones on my Palm Pixi for Verizon Wireless?

    I've had my new Palm Pixi for going on a month now and still don't have a single ringtone on it. I've tried just about all of the free sites (funformobile, ventones, etc), I've tried to sync music from my iPod Touch to the phone, I've tried to have people send me ringtones through text messages...
  17. A

    can you change text ringtones on the palm pixi?

    im trying to find out how to change different contacts to different text message ringtones can i do that?
  18. K

    How do i get ringtones on my palm pixi?

    i've tried using myxter but when i click on the link in a text all it lets me do is listen to it and then no option to download or anything. so what can i do to get ringtones on my pixi? do you think i should take it back and get a different phone like the htc hero or samsung moment? PLEASE...
  19. K

    When do you think the Palm Pixi pro for verizon will be free with a upgrade by July?

    I am currently waiting for my upgrade to come to get a new phone for free. My upgrade is July 23 and I have been look at the Palm pixi for a while now. I have a 2 year contract I think... and people is telling me that I will have to pay like 100$ if my upgrade was now. Do you think the palm pixi...
  20. K

    Palm Pixi Bluetooth?!!!?

    Okay I Have The Palm Pixi And Im Trying To Bluetooth My Contacts/Photos From My Old Phone To My Palm Pixi But It Doesnt Seem To Be Connecting It Says I Have It As A Trusted Device But Then When I Try To Look For Paired Devices It Doesn Show Up!! Whats Going On? PLease Help With Any Information...