
  1. G

    my itunes keeps making copies of playlists when I add a song from my itouch?

    whenever I add a song to a playlist from my iTouch my iTunes makes a duplicate of the playlist. for example I have a "workout" playlist and now i have "workout 1, 2, 3, 4" on my iTunes and iTouch. is there a way to just make it update the playlist and stop backing it up? thanks!!
  2. W

    How to delete playlists from iPhone 3?

    I've tried talking to technical sites. The idiots don't get the words "iPhone 3." Not 4. I accidentally created 2 of the same genius playlist and want to delete one, but can't do it from the phone or through iTunes when it's connected to my computer. There simply isn't a delete button, which is...
  3. P

    iPhone Question: music from Internet then trasnfer 2 my playlists on non...

    ...jaibroken phone? I sometimes use iTunes and sometimes like 2 get my music from other sources(legally). However how do i download a song from the internet then trasnfer it 2 my itunes/music app playlists without using my PC? i know on Android you can... my phone is not jailbroken and im not...
  4. C

    How do I make my music playlists come back on my T-Mobile Tap Phone?

    I have the blue T-Mobile Tap phone. I downloaded the PC Suite program to put music on my phone from my music files. Every time I try to make a music playlist, it won't show the name of my playlist I named it. HELP ME!!!!
  5. C

    How do I make my music playlists come back on my T-Mobile Tap Phone?

    I have the blue T-Mobile Tap phone. I downloaded the PC Suite program to put music on my phone from my music files. Every time I try to make a music playlist, it won't show the name of my playlist I named it. HELP ME!!!!
  6. C

    How do I make my music playlists come back on my T-Mobile Tap Phone?

  7. S

    blackberry media sync doesn't "see" half my playlists?

    I have Blackberry media sync 3.0. I made a couple new playlists on windows media player. Sync doesn't see my new lists, only my old ones. How do I get it to see my new lists so I can download them?
  8. Y

    How do I view my saved playlists in ttpod (symbian music player)?

    After spending a long time adding songs to playlists in ttpod Im struggling to find a way to view them,can you help?
  9. S

    how do I transfer my iTunes playlists to my new Mac in full?

    Just upgraded my Mac to a new machine but would like to know how to transfer my old playlists to the new machine? Not gonna use migration and have tried to do an export/import but the playlist is my complete music library. Please help and thank you for your time in advance! Stevie.
  10. S

    how do I transfer my iTunes playlists to my new Mac in full?

    Just upgraded my Mac to a new machine but would like to know how to transfer my old playlists to the new machine? Not gonna use migration and have tried to do an export/import but the playlist is my complete music library. Please help and thank you for your time in advance! Stevie.
  11. S

    How do you make multiple playlists on a samsung rogue?

    I don't know how too make another one. I don't remember how i made the first one. I pressed random stuff! SAMSUNG ROGUE WITH VERIZON
  12. A

    I have a playlist(s) on my iphone that I downloaded from itunes. HOW do I...

    ...ADD new songs...? How do I ADD more SONGS to my iphone WITHOUT DELETING the original songs/playlists??? For some reason, when itunes syncs the new music (specified, by me) it ERASES the previous songs on my iphone! HELP!
  13. K

    help with iTunes smart playlists?

    im just wondering, when making smart playlists, next to the - and + symbols there are three dots, and i cant figure out what they do to the playlist. the function didnt always use to be there. my itunes version is 9.0.1 for mac, just in case it matters
  14. P

    On iTunes/iPod, is there a way to randomize your playlists?

    I know you can randomize every track, but can you just randomize certain playlists?
  15. L

    Poll: Ideas for iTunes playlists?

    I already have love songs and workout songs. what are some playlists you have?
  16. L

    restore ipod playlists?

    My itunes library was erased and i put all my music back into itunes all i want to do is restore my playlists only not the music and my play count best answer gets points
  17. S

    My Zune playlists only sync certain songs.?

    I've synced the playlists and the songs. When I click on device/music/playlists it says that the full playlists are there, but when I disconnect the device, they aren't. Anyone know how to fix this?
  18. J

    How do I back up my ipod playlists?

    I need to format my computer and don't want to have to redo my ipod playlists like I had to last time. Does anyone know of a good program to back up my ipod settings? I've got lots of room to store a large file/files as well.
  19. O

    How do you look up celebrities' playlists on iTunes?

    I remember, there used to be this place on iTunes where there was a list of celebrities and they'd make a playlist and list why they chose that song. I'm actually specifically looking for Josh Hartnett's playlist. But I just need to know how to get there on itunes(:
  20. B

    i want to look at celebrity playlists..?

    is there a web site beside itunes that has celebrity playlists???