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    Eradicate Polio Once And For All, Say Leaders Worldwide

    Several heads of states as well as officials from donor countries have committed to help eradicate polio. The presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria who attended a United Nation's led meeting have pledged to make sure their country's health departments do all they can to help eliminate...
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    Grant To Study Microneedle Patches For Polio Vaccine

    The Georgia Institute of Technology will receive funding through Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that enables researchers worldwide to test unorthodox ideas that address persistent health and development challenges... More...
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    Parents' Refusal Of Kids' Polio Vaccine Might Mean Jail In Nigeria

    Officials in Nigeria's northern Kano state say parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated against polio may be prosecuted and could face jail time. The government order issued this week comes as the United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, has been pressuring Nigeria's northern...
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    Bruce Aylward: How we'll stop polio for good

    Polio is almost completely eradicated. But as Bruce Aylward says: Almost isn't good enough with a disease this terrifying. Aylward lays out the plan to continue the scientific miracle that ended polio in most of the world -- and to snuff it out everywhere, forever. Read the comments on this...
  5. E

    Can you drink alcohol after having a polio injection?

    i had a polio injection yesturday and im going to a party tonight. is it safe for me to be drinking? i also had my third cervical cancer jab aswell yesturday.
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    United Kingdom, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Join To Eradicate Polio

    Last year at the World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates called for the next ten years to be the decade of vaccines. This week as talks reconvene in Davos, Switzerland, Gates in partnership with the United Kingdom, has donated an additional $120 million dollars to fight polio in particular...
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    Study Estimates Cost Savings Associated With Global Polio Eradication; Global Post Ex

    Research published in the November issue of the journal Vaccine found that a global campaign to eliminate polio could save between $40 billion and $50 billion "over the next few decades if the crippling disease is wiped out within five years," Bloomberg reports (Gale, 11/22). The non-profit...
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    Polio Vaccination Campaign Targeting 72M Children In 15 African Countries Announced;

    The WHO on Tuesday announced a mass polio immunization campaign in 15 African countries targeting a total of 72 million children, Agence France-Presse reports. "Polio has spread again in recent years with cases imported from some of the four endemic nations in Asia and Africa, mainly Nigeria, in...
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    Editors Of Canadian Medical Association Journal Warn Polio Outbreak In Tajikistan Cou

    "A large polio outbreak in Tajikistan - Europe's first in years - has the potential to further spread the dangerous virus to other regions of the world, the [editors of] the Canadian Medical Association Journal [CMAJ] warned Wednesday" in an editorial appearing in the journal, the Canadian Press...
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    Opinions: Improving Maternal Health - Also In Global Health News: Polio In Nigeria, G

    "Delivering A Better Future For Women and Girls," East African (Manguyu, 6/7). "Women Deliver A Ruse: Conference Organizers Push Abortion Cloaked as Health Issue," Washington Times (Wright/Yoshihara, 6/4). Also In Global Health News: Polio In Nigeria, Guatemala Food Shortages, China...
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    WHO Experts To Examine Polio Outbreak In Tajikistan

    The WHO said it sent six technical experts to assess a small outbreak of polio in Tajikistan, VOA News reports, adding that WHO "says this is the first importation of polio in the European region since Europe was certified as polio-free in 2002." They will investigate the seven cases to...
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    WHO Experts To Examine Polio Outbreak In Tajikistan

    The WHO said it sent six technical experts to assess a small outbreak of polio in Tajikistan, VOA News reports, adding that WHO "says this is the first importation of polio in the European region since Europe was certified as polio-free in 2002." They will investigate the seven cases to...
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    An Ethical Obligation: Finishing The Job Of Polio Eradication Worldwide

    Failure to pursue eradication of polio worldwide given the capacity and opportunity to do so is a violation of ethical principles, foremost among them a "duty to rescue" those in distress, according to ethicists writing in this week's edition of the Lancet. Claudia Emerson, PhD, Program Leader...
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    New York Times Examines How Developments In India, Nigeria Could Aid Global Polio Era

    "A decade after the world's original deadline for eradicating polio, the most tenacious bastions of the crippling virus - Nigeria and India - have recently shown remarkable progress in halting its spread, giving even some of the antipolio campaign's severest doubters hope that it may yet largely...
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    New York Times Examines How Developments In India, Nigeria Could Aid Global Polio Era

    "A decade after the world's original deadline for eradicating polio, the most tenacious bastions of the crippling virus - Nigeria and India - have recently shown remarkable progress in halting its spread, giving even some of the antipolio campaign's severest doubters hope that it may yet largely...
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    Also In Global Health News: WFP In Somalia; Ugandans Displaced By Landslides; Polio V

    Nearly 50% Of Food Aid Sent To Somalia Never Makes It To People In Need "As much as half the food aid sent to Somalia is diverted from needy people to a web of corrupt contractors, radical Islamist militants and local United Nations staff members, according to a new Security Council...
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    Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow To Travel To Chad To Highlight Polio

    Internationally acclaimed actress, humanitarian and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow is travelling to Chad this weekend to raise awareness of the importance of vaccinating children against polio. The visit is timed to coincide with the country's upcoming national polio immunization...
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    Also In Global Health News: Parasite, Bacteria Survival Discovery; Polio Vaccine Camp

    Discovery Of Chemical Reaction Process Could Lead To New Malaria, TB Treatments Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign say that a recent finding could help develop new treatments to fight diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, KWMU reports (LaCapra, 2/15). The...
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    best seating for back injury 'ex polio sufferer'?

    Really I would like a large vehicle with which I can rest in a fully reclining seat when the pain gets too much, almost like a camper, but not a camper!
  20. P

    my wife got polio is there any chances of giving birth to a polio baby?

    if mother is unhealthy if she got polio is there any chances of giving birth to a unhealthy baby