
  1. K

    whats the best way to cook potato wedges?

    should i put them on a baking tray or in a pan with some oil? then in the oven
  2. C

    looking for a childrens book about a boy who stows away in a potato sack and

    goes to africa and meets animals? who are trying to eat him and they talk
  3. E

    Couch Potato??????? please help?

    Why can i only fall asleep on the couch and not my bed i have fallen asleep a couble times on my bed but i have more asleep on the couch and answers why i do that
  4. H

    Name for my potato business?

    I am opening a shop selling jacket potatoes and I want a catchy name. Any ideas?
  5. D

    How long does it take to bake a potato in a 2000 degree wood stove?

    I was just wondering...
  6. S

    Sweet Potato Salad Recipe?

    I had this really nice sweet potato salad with crushed walnuts when I was away and I was wondering if anybody has a recipe for something similar? It didn't have a creamy dressing like a normal potato salad nor did it have egg. Actually it wasn't much like normal potato salad at all. Thanks !
  7. A

    what would happen if someone replaced your brain with a potato chip?

    most logical answer gets 10 points :)