
  1. C

    Should people that home school pay a reduced property tax since they do not use...

    ...public school resources? How about people who pay for private school?
  2. D

    Intellectual Property on food?

    Is it possible to apply some measure of protection to food/drink recipe? It takes a lot of experimenting and time to develop a successful recipe so logically, we'd like some kind of legal protection from people who may attempt to reverse engineer and profit from our work. Thanks.
  3. T

    what are the benefits of a interest only mortgage for renting out my property?

    what are the benefits of having a interest only mortgage for renting out a property. - i know the payments will be less meaning more profit. but is there any benefit from a tax point of view? will i pay less or more tax on the monthly profit having this type of mortgage???
  4. B

    im am thinking about buying hunting property?

    so i always wanted to do something i would enjoy. what would i have to do to buy property and use it to sell guided deer elk etc hunts. i live in Lexington KY. i know it would be hard work but i would imagine that it would eventually be fairly profitable. if anyone could enlighten me or give...
  5. M

    Where can i find information on selling commercial property?

    I need to know where to find info on the costs of selling a piece of brown field site within a town centre. Taxes and average seller costs/comision on the sale
  6. C

    Anyone know where I can watch Sora No Otoshimono (heaven's lost property)

    Season 1 sub uncensored? Yes Yes i like ecchi theme and i know that the uncensored is out there but i can not find it. If you have a stream link or download site please tell me.
  7. C

    Anyone know where I can watch Sora No Otoshimono (heaven's lost property)

    Season 1 sub uncensored? Yes Yes i like ecchi theme and i know that the uncensored is out there but i can not find it. If you have a stream link or download site please tell me.
  8. P

    Is it illegal for a neighbor to stack old car/truck tires on their property?

    Worst neighbor in world...never speak or wave to anyone. Now trying to piss me off by stacking old tires on his property right at my property line.
  9. P

    Is it illegal for a neighbor to stack old car/truck tires on their property?

    Worst neighbor in world...never speak or wave to anyone. Now trying to piss me off by stacking old tires on his property right at my property line.
  10. B

    May I Trade my RENTAL Property Home for a few weeks, months, with someone...

    ...else for Vacation? Possible? I would like to trade my Rental Property with someone else of the same value for purpose of vacationing. Is this possible. I would like to have someone come vacation at my property and I vacation at theirs (must be approx same value)... Is this possible?
  11. U

    Copyright/Intellectual Property Infringement

    The following message was sent to you via the IhAv.NET Contact Us form by Andrea Constanzer. -------------------------------- October 21, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: We believe our work is being used in a way that violates our intellectual property rights. Some of Connections Academy's...
  12. T

    The Liberty Bell is on Government Property?

    (Leviticus 25): "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." America was founded on the belief that GOD is the source of liberty. That is why the inscription on the Liberty Bell is from the Hebrew Bible Should this inscription from the Bible be removed from the...
  13. T

    DDV #27 - My attempt to visit every restaurant on Disney property (part 5) - Oct 06,

    Its the fifth and final part of my "quest for food" as I tried to get to every restaurant on Disney property in the early 1990s. This segment focuses on EPCOT, and tis dining establishments. And I summarize my overall results.disney world | food | epcot | eat | restaurant More...
  14. J

    Dish Network property lost during Hurricane Ike?

    When Hurricane Ike destroyed Bolivar Peninsula on the Texas coast, it devastated the total house left standing when 18' wall of water hit...over 300 homes on pylons 17' in the air, totally house among them..Dish Network is demanding over $400 for the Equipment, and has...
  15. T

    Can I sue for damage to my personal property in this situation?

    A few months back, I had talked to a landlord about fixing up his house in exchange for six months of free rent. He signed a contract agreeing that he would let me have the house, and I fixed it up and made it livable. Okay, here's the situation. I had six months, and it was to end in September...
  16. S

    My sister has sold some of her unused house property?

    In what way she can invest her money?
  17. P

    How do I promote my Vacation rental Property in Florida?

    Hi everyone, I own a Vacation rental property in Florida (USA). How do I promote that to would be holiday makers from the UK? I am already doing the ads in the niche websites that cater to Vacation rentals from the UK. I was wondering if local organizations or local papers in the UK can help me...
  18. J

    is it better to buy or rent a property in the UK?

    im 27 years old,in long term full time thinking of buying my own place. but im really unsure whether i should opt to buy a place. ive been renting since i was 16..does anyone have any ideas? thanks
  19. A

    Has my landlord commited a crime by putting a to let sign on my property...

    ...without written or verbal notice? I pay my rent always, no complaints. Landlords number is disconnected or refusing my calls.
  20. G

    Bachmann Calls for Tighter Regulation, Commandeering of Private Property by Governmen

    Seriously. I am not making this up. Michele Bachmann, the so called "darling of the tea-baggers" (though I'm not sure why she's called that exactly) had done a full 180 on her policies regarding government involvement in stuff. Check it out. Read the comments on this post... More...