
  1. P

    Why do people demonstrate and protest? Do demonstrations and protests do...

    ...more harm to the country than good? Do demonstrations and protests really help? Or do they do more harm to the economy and stability of the country? What if there is a better way? What if the people could voice their views to the government without resorting to violence and what if the...
  2. J

    Why don't American college students ever protest tuition hikes?

    I'm in a graduate program in the U.S. and my tuition is $40k/year. I've never heard/seen anyone protesting tuition that is nearly triple the proposed $14k/year tuition that British students nearly trampled the Prince over! Are British students just whiners or American students too complacent?
  3. G

    Prisoners Use Smuggled Cell Phones to Organize Protest [Prison]

    The worry over allowing prison inmates the use of cell phones is usually that they'll call in murder jobs on the outside or fashion an old StarTAC into a shank. But prisons across Georgia employed contraband phones for civil disobedience. More »
  4. R

    What's the Tobacco Protest?

    just a sentence or two will do.
  5. S

    Can I get in trouble for having a protest sign in public that says the word...

    ..."fuck" on it? Just wondering because I know that freedom of speech doesn't really exist in this country (I live in the U.S.) and I want to be prepared for any bullshit charge like "Using obscenities in public"
  6. S

    Why don't people protest alcohol & alcohol companies they way they do

    cigarettes & cigarette companies? Alcohol is just as bad for your health, just as addictive (if not more so) and also ruins families, causes car accidents and MANY deaths are alcohol-related. Why is there no big protest against it? @Debra: I'm not talking about Prohibition. I'm talking about...
  7. 1

    Why do Christians protest movies that they could simply just choose not to watch?

    I don't get it. When a movie comes out that does not fit with their personal believes, Christian organizations protest it and try to get it banned. What is the point of trying to ban a movie for everybody just simply because it doesn't conform to THEIR OWN personal beliefs? Why can't they decide...
  8. T

    Is there conflicts of interest SEIU planning protest of Arizona gov. before

    meeting with Obama? The labor union SEIU is organizing a protest of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) leading up to her meeting with President Barack Obama on Thursday. A variety of activists will gather near Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., just across from the White House's north entrance...
  9. T

    Is there conflicts of interest SEIU planning protest of Arizona gov. before

    meeting with Obama? The labor union SEIU is organizing a protest of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) leading up to her meeting with President Barack Obama on Thursday. A variety of activists will gather near Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., just across from the White House's north entrance...
  10. K

    Are there any marijuana protest in Washington DC today (420)...?

    heading to DC anyways for a show....wonder if i should make this a all day trip....
  11. K

    Are there any marijuana protest in Washington DC today (420)...?

    heading to DC anyways for a show....wonder if i should make this a all day trip....
  12. G

    Twin Cities Anti-Choice Protest

    You can help with your wallet. Click here. Read the comments on this post... More...
  13. A

    Why do liberal students in California protest tution fee hikes, but support

    ObamaCare? The fee increases would be balanced by a raise in "the level of financial assistance for needy low- and middle-income students," according to a statement from the Board of Regents. The tuition hike is expected to raise $505 million for the university system, and about $175 million of...
  14. F

    if the protestants protested the catholics, who will protest the protestants?

  15. T

    Antiabortion-Rights Marchers Protest New Houston Planned Parenthood Headquarters

    Several thousand antiabortion-rights protesters on Monday held a march at the site of Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas' new six-acre, six-story administrative and surgical center, which is scheduled to open in March, the Houston Chronicle reports. The protesters -- organized by...
  16. M

    Are the french right to protest at sarkozy handling of economic crisis?

    now they are saying the money should go to individuals directly helping with mortgages and spent to protect jobs or is it best to bail out to the banks? anyone who understands economics and finance could perhaps enlighten us?
  17. R

    Why do AMERICANS have to wait for vacation to Protest?

    They have to plan it so that it is on the weekend and convenient to their jobs and schedules. Doesn't that make it meaningless? And a joke?
  18. C

    Christians that go to Gay Pride events just to read from the bible and "protest"?

    Christians that go to Gay Pride events just to read from the bible and "protest"? What exactly are they protesting? Us existing or getting together with other gay people? Don't they have anything better to do? Gay Pride is an event for us to have a good time... and these Christians try to...
  19. K

    A Question for boxing fans who protest for Boxing here and in same time put down

    MMA!what u think of this? ok first of all i heard in March, it will take place afight ( of 2 african american men ,in the heavily dominated world of mma ,by white bums lol right?? just kiddin !i guess light heavyweight is the only division that matters from all mma organisations wordlwide...
  20. H

    If PETA stops everyone from hunting and eating meat would they protest against...

    No, because they're idiots that don't understand basic biology. They're not pro-animal, they're anti-human (which is ironic, since we're animals, too).