
  1. J

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life -

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc. ___________________________ *********** Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need...
  2. R

    What did carl rogers contribute to the Field of psychology?

    I'm just starting Sixth form and one of my chosen subjects is Psychology, One of the questions in the starter booklet i have received is what did carl rogers contribute to the Field of Psychology. If any one knows the answer i will be truly grateful. Thanks
  3. C

    What should I major in? Psychology, business, or nutrition?

    I've been thinking about this quite often lately, since I need to write my personal statements soon, and I need to figure out my major and apply to colleges within the next couple of months, For the last couple of months I've been wanting to major in psychology, and I still do, but I've been...
  4. B

    Any recomendations as to interesting topics in psychology?

    I'm researching for funsies, currently reading about night terrors. Anything else abnormal or noteworthy in psychology you recommend?
  5. A

    Terrible Evolutionary Psychology Professor Thinks Fat People Shouldn’t Get PhDs

    It's almost impressive how many stupid assumptions NYU evo-psych professor Geoffrey Miller was able to fit into 140 characters, More » Terrible Evolutionary Psychology Professor Thinks Fat People Shouldn’t Get PhDs is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness &...
  6. A

    i need help on my psychology quiz!?

    1) Experiments with the visual cliff suggest that a) humans must learn to recognize depth. b) binocular cues are more important than monocular cues. c) the ability to perceive depth is at least partly innate. d) unlike other animals, humans do not perceive depth until about 8 months of age. 2)...
  7. V

    would people please complete my psychology survey?

    its a study involving facebook attitudes and if facebook correlates with loneliness thanks!!:)
  8. D

    I need some interesting Topics under Psychology to discuss?

    I'm in the Psychology club at my college and I need to figure out some popular topics under or involved in Psychology that I can discuss with college students that come to our meeting within the coming weeks. I want them to be fun topics that will engage them in the world of Psych so that they...
  9. T

    Psychology Researcher Thinks Dream Symbols Could Help In Psychotherapy

    Dream images could provide insights into people's mental health problems and may help with their treatment, according to a psychology researcher from the University of Adelaide. Dr Lance Storm, a Visiting Research Fellow with the University of Adelaide's School of Psychology, has been studying...
  10. J

    Can i go for a masters in nutrition with a bachelors in psychology?

    So i am thinking of going into nutritional counseling, but i am getting my bachelors in psychology ( i am almost done with it) can i get a masters in nutrition counseling or anything nutrition related?
  11. A

    What are the interesting topics of research in Psychology?

    I got research project and I need help with topics... can anyone come up with bizarre idea that is never researched before or something which needs more research? Thank you!
  12. R

    Psychology quiz ! check my anwers . 6 questions .?

    1. A psychologist who studies temperaments in infants and young children adheres to which perspective ? A. Cultural B. Biological C. Learning D. Psychodynamic My answer : B 2. What is the biggest hurdle of rising surveys to gather information . A. Getting a representative sample B. Getting...
  13. M

    I have a BA in psychology but now I'm interested in nutrition...?

    I got my BA in psychology in '08, unfortunately i haven't really done anything with it for several reasons, mainly, I don't feel like it was the best career match for me... so now, over the years I have become very interested in nutrition and dietetics and would like to figure out how to become...
  14. A

    Where in USA can I do courses in Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal...

    ...Psychology and Developmental Psychology? I need to undertake these courses to enroll in a Psychology masters program as Psychology was not my Bachelors major.
  15. DrDeanCrosby

    The Best Technique To Eliminate Unwanted Thoughts

    One of the most important psychological truths that a person wishing to achieve a healthy mind must comprehend is that their thoughts govern their future behavior as well as their current moods.We truly are or will become what our thoughts create for us.One of my very favorite slogans is,"You...
  16. A

    For those of you that has ever took psychology, What topic sounds more

    interesting to you? Please vote.? 1. Sanity/ Insanity 2.Things that drive people mad or 3.What it means to fear? Fear itself. Dreams and nightmares. How it is symbolic to everyday life? Please, I need a topic now and the all interest me.
  17. D

    Could you suggest Interesting study topics? (e.g; psychology, hypnosis)?

    Hello everybody! ;) I would like to study some different areas in education and I would like some suggestions for topics. -Currently I study psychology, hypnosis, metaphysics and a little of quantum physics. *I also enjoy very much psychics and "supernatural" stuff which can be proven or with...
  18. J

    Is this a psychology forum or a venting outlet for whiny little emo brats?

    It almost seems that a legitimate forum for the discussion of junk science has been taken over by crybabies.
  19. M

    PSYCHOLOGY: Where can i find a fiscal risk survey or another like it?

    I've found the "Risky Business" survey and it is supposedly based from Betz and O'Connell's 1989 fiscal risk survey but I cant find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I could find this survey or another like it along with the data collection instructions (grading instructions)? The citation for...
  20. M

    Carl Rogers in psychology?

    What is an interesting/ fun fact about Carl Rogers?