
  1. P

    Is Judaism a racial thing or a religious thing?

    For a long time they were considered a religious thing, until WWII, Judaism was somehow considered a racial thing; if I am not mistaken.
  2. O

    Must we tolerate RfR's racial rants and hatred?

    Here in the LA Travel Forum, we try to promote our city, and help people out. But this troll comes in here with his racial hatred and slurs. Please join me in reporting this sick individual, to stop his agenda of racial hatred. If you don't believe me, just look at his profile posts: "Jews...
  3. D

    Hey Mormons: Did Romney use the racial slur "Tar-Baby" in the past ?

    I know McCain had that issue and Romney as well, but I dont remember exactly when and where . I remember when McCains Campaign Bus broke down someone referred to it as the "Tar-Baby Express" in reference to his and Romneys past use of the slur. I know they downplayed it as a reference to...
  4. K

    Why don't White Liberal's put their own racial interests first?

    Every other race does. Only Whites are celebrating their diminishing numbers in a nation founded by Whites.
  5. A

    Forget Her Hair, Gabby Douglas Now Claims Racial Bullying At Her Gym

    Long before*Gabby Douglas was bullied about her hair (because, you know, a girl's locks are much more important than a measly gold medal at the Olympics), she claims she was bullied about at her gym because she's black. More »Post from: Blisstree
  6. T

    Racial Disparities In Voice Box Preserving Cancer Treatment

    A new epidemiological study led by UC Davis researchers reveals significant racial disparities in the use of non-surgical larynx-preservation therapy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer. A review of medical records between 1991 and 2008 from across the country reveals that over 80 percent of...
  7. T

    Racial Differences Found In Care Of Children With Abdominal Pain In ED

    Black children are less likely than white children to receive medication for abdominal pain in the emergency department (ED) even when they report severe pain, according to a study to be presented Saturday, April 28, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Boston. "The...
  8. G

    Rejected Bachelor Candidates File Class-Action Lawsuit Against Series for Racial Disc

    Forget the final rose. ABC's Bachelor and Bachelorette shows have been served with a class-action lawsuit. On Wednesday, Nathaniel Claybrooks and Christopher Johnson filed the suit...
  9. P

    Poll:Do you have a racial preference for your friends?

    Im an asian male, but im open to all people as friends. I cant believe people in 2011 still stick with people that are the same race.
  10. C

    In "Speaking Fluent 'Joke' Pushing the Racial Envelope through comedic

    performance on Chappelle's Show"? Bell-Jordan makes the claim that Chappelle’s “deliberate violation of rhetorical convention in exchange for racial daring is by definition ideological resistance” (88). In sketches like “Equality in First Class,” “The Racial Draft,” “Clayton Bigsby,” and...
  11. S

    Why is racial humor so damn funny to me?

    Like the stuff in Borat/Bruno.. Stupid stuff like that. I'm not racist at all (I have friends from all colors and walks of life) and I condemn racial oppression and prejudice. I treat everyone equally. But for some reason I just can't help but laugh at stupid racist jokes? Often ones that...
  12. O

    To Mormons - Why is it when someone brings up racial things in your religion you

    make evasive excuses? One Mormon has replied to two of my questions but in a way that sidesteps them. Not true answers. I even posted a quote from LDS where they discourage interracial marriage (with no reason given) and this Mormon lady... I'll call her "Bristine" "Bristine", when you reply...
  13. J

    What is a good racial joke?

    I know a lot of people of different races, and I'd like to make fun of them. I would also like to hear some white racial jokes, because being white, I have not heard any.
  14. N

    Are there racial problems inside Judaism?

    So we all know that there are black and white churches in Christianity. But have the Jews ever formed subdivisions. For example some calling themselves the original Hebrews and the others European converts.
  15. E

    Do black people like murdering people as much as arguing racial bias against figures

    compiled by the FBI? Take a look at this homicide table. It outlines that blacks kill more people than whites do though they only make up about 12.4% of the US population. Why is this? Percentage of black Americans...
  16. V

    Racial Survey (For all races)?

    What kind of white person are you? Northern European, Southern European, Western European, Eastern European, or White American? What kind of black person are you? African, African-American, Afro-Caribbean, or Afro-British? What kind of asian person are you? East Asian, South Asian...
  17. T

    Racial And Ethnic Disparities Impact Care For Children With Frequent Ear Infections

    Racial and ethnic disparities among children with frequent ear infections (FEI) significantly influence access to affordable healthcare, according to new research published in the November 2010 issue of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Ear infections are one of the most common health...
  18. P

    Why is it that black and whites complain more about racial represenatation in the

    media? I hardly hear east asians, mestizos, arabians or indians complaining about not having enough representation in the media.
  19. M

    Have to argue FOR racial profiling!?

    Hey guys, having a debate and unfortunately, I have to be FOR racial profiling while the other team is against. You guys have any good points I could use?
  20. J

    NAACP condemns Mayweather's racial rants, how does this impact minorities in America?

    I think it will greatly impact minorities in America. NAACP has been known to merely protect the interest of African Americans being discriminated by a white dominated social institution. But since the the Veitnam War, the NAACP has expanded their agendas to assist Hispanics, Arabs, Asians...