
  1. S

    If you eat at McDonald but dont reach average nutrition will you gain fat or weight?

    I'm just gonna start by saying I'm not planning on doing this………… If you ate from a fast food at evry meal for a week but didn't reach the average calories, fat, carb, or sugar, Could you still gain fat or weight despite the fact your under nutrition? What about in a day..... If you ate normal...
  2. R

    What does reach mean in mma/boxing?

    how it says their stats like weight, height, reach - wats reach
  3. D

    How far north does Wind Mobile Home Zone reach in the GTA?

    Their coverage on there site makes it look like it's at the end of Brampton but it's very hard to tell. and think I might very well be way too generous in my guessing.
  4. W

    How can I reach a dial tone from my mobile phone?

    dose anyone know how to reach an open dial tone via an AT&T wireless account using a Pantech Impact mobile phone. if there is a * code that accesses or what would be # to dial out......
  5. T

    A runner travels 100 m in 10.7 s. Assume that it takes him 1.44 s to reach

    his top speed,? which is then maintained for the rest of the race. Find the following values: (a) average speed (b) acceleration during the first 1.44 s (c) maximum speed
  6. G

    Mobile-only Internet users to reach 1 billion users by 2015

    The global market for mobile broadband will continue to grow rapidly, and by 2015 one billion people will use it as their only form of internet access, according to new research from independent analyst house Ovum.
  7. D

    How far north does Wind Mobile Home Zone reach in the GTA?

    Their coverage on there site makes it look like it's at the end of Brampton but it's very hard to tell. and think I might very well be way too generous in my guessing.
  8. K

    Froch vs Ward predictions...if they reach the final.?

    I think if the Froch that dismantled abraham turns up, he will beat Ward by SD
  9. L

    Im sending out 10,000 postcards for a Karate school, I want 1%. Can I reach it?

    Im targeting people with certain incomes and ages. 1% is what I want. Do you think it can happen?
  10. T

    When Mental Health Meds Are Out Of Reach, Hospitalization More Likely

    Too often, mental health patients have problems accessing or paying for their prescription drugs under Medicaid. The results - longer hospital stays and more emergency room visits - are hard on patients and costly for the entire health care system, a new study finds. Lead author Joyce West...
  11. N

    can i get halo reach noble map pack somewhere other that the xbox live marketplace?

    well i am a huge halo fan and when i heard of the noble map pack i wanted it so i got xbox live and i got the game but i was honest unfortunately and i entered my real age. i am 15 right now so i cannot download anything with a M rating.i didnt know that i had to enter my age older and i got a 1...
  12. I

    Is Religion or Jesus Christ the true way to reach to God?

    this might seem lik an opinionated question but i am sikh, which is a religion. my brother began believing in christianity. he told me, do your research and you'll know. im there any proof? which is the true way?
  13. D

    How far north does Wind Mobile Home Zone reach in the GTA?

    Their coverage on there site makes it look like it's at the end of Brampton but it's very hard to tell. and think I might very well be way too generous in my guessing.
  14. D

    How far north does Wind Mobile Home Zone reach in the GTA?

    Their coverage on there site makes it look like it's at the end of Brampton but it's very hard to tell. and think I might very well be way too generous in my guessing.
  15. T

    Caltrate® Soft Chews Offer A New And Delicious Way To Help Americans Reach Their Reco

    On the heels of the Institute of Medicine increasing the daily recommended intake of vitamin D to maintain bone health, Americans may be left wondering how to meet the new guidelines. Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, the makers of the #1 selling brand of calcium and vitamin D supplements, announces...
  16. R

    How did scratches on my bike's frame reach at the back of the front sprocket on my...

    ...frame? Scratches on my frame at the back of my sprocket,just wanted to know how the scratches got their,maybe a chainslip and the chain caught hold on my frame,or can it be the sprocket's spikes please help
  17. J

    Would the fuel sending unit cause gas not to reach the engine?

    ok, everything i find seems to say the fuel sending unit just controls the gas guage. that may be nowadays, i don't know, but my 80 camaro i just bought would not start, no gas. I pulled out the gas tank, and saw that the lines were broke, and the fuel pump is in the front of the car. i assume...
  18. G

    Kiwi company SilverStripe first to reach Open Source certification for Windows Server

    SilverStripe, a web development company delivering open source content management systems (CMS) and development services to businesses throughout Australasia, Europe and the USA, has achieved "Certification for Windows Server 2008 R2" for version 2.4.0 of their flagship product, SilverStripe CMS.
  19. R

    UFC question:Have Jon Jones longest hand reach in history of ufc?And what...

    ...about Corey Hill? Jon jones reach is 84.5 in (215 cm),I cant find any informations about Corey.
  20. T

    New Cases Of TB Reach Highest Level For 30 Years As Drug Resistant TB Doubles In The

    Cases of tuberculosis in the UK have reached 9,040 in 2009 - the highest number in the UK for nearly 30 years while the number of new drug resistant TB has nearly doubled in the past 10 years, from 206 cases in 2000 to 389 cases in 2009. These data are revealed in the Health Protection Agency's...