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    Impossible material made by Uppsala University researchers

    A novel material with world record breaking surface area and water adsorption abilities has been synthesized by researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden. The results are published today in PLOS ONE. The magnesium carbonate material that has been given the name Upsalite is foreseen to reduce...
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    Researchers Testing Novel Melanoma Vaccine In Clinical Trial

    A new clinical research study at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) will assess the safety and efficacy of a novel immunotherapy approach to treating advanced melanoma. Developed at RPCI by Roswell Park researchers, the investigational vaccine shows promise for treating tumors in patients with...
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    Researchers Create Complete Map Of The Human Brain

    A group of researchers has managed to create the most detailed and complete map of the human brain to date. BigBrain, the 3D digital reconstruction of the brain of a 65-year-old woman, reveals its details with microscopic precision. The brain is made up of numerous networks of neurons that vary...
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    Researchers Are Working Towards The Development Of Photo-Sensitive Drugs

    The scientific cooperation between chemists, biotechnologists and physicists from various Catalan institutes, headed by Pau Gorostiza, from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), and Ernest Giralt, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), has led to a...
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    Researchers explode the myth about running shoes, injuries

    If you are healthy and plan to start running for the first time, it is perfectly all right to put on a pair of completely ordinary ‘neutral’ running shoes without any special support. Even though your feet overpronate when you run – i.e. roll inwards. There appears to be no risk that...
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    Researchers develop easy and effective therapy to restore sight

    Researchers at UC Berkeley have developed an easier and more effective method for inserting genes into eye cells that could greatly expand gene therapy to help restore sight to patients with blinding diseases ranging from inherited defects like retinitis pigmentosa to degenerative illnesses of...
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    Yale researchers unravel genetics of dyslexia and language impairment

    A new study of the genetic origins of dyslexia and other learning disabilities could allow for earlier diagnoses and more successful interventions, according to researchers at Yale School of Medicine. Many students now are not diagnosed until high school, at which point treatments are less...
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    Researchers Studying Cocaine Craving Focus On A Brain Protein And An Antibiotic

    A new study conducted by a team of Indiana University neuroscientists demonstrates that GLT1, a protein that clears glutamate from the brain, plays a critical role in the craving for cocaine that develops after only several days of cocaine use. The study, appearing in The Journal of...
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    Researchers Identify Novel Approach To Create Red Blood Cells, Platelets In Vitro

    Finding could reduce need for blood donations, speed up research on therapies to treat diseases A study led by Boston University School of Medicine has identified a novel approach to create an unlimited number of human red blood cells and platelets in vitro. In collaboration with Boston...
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    Researchers Discover New Weapon In Fight Against Cervical Cancer

    Scientists at the University of Leeds have found a way to target and destroy a key protein associated with the development of cervical and other cancers. The E7 protein is produced early in the lifecycle of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and blocks the body's natural defences against the...
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    Researchers design sensitive new microphone modeled on fly ear

    Using the sensitive ears of a parasitic fly for inspiration, a group of researchers has created a new type of microphone that achieves better acoustical performance than what is currently available in hearing aids. The scientists will present their results at the 21st International Congress on...
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    Move Over Mediterranean? Researchers Tout The Health Benefits Of A Nordic Diet

    A study from Sweden's Lund University found following a "Nordic diet" could be good for lowering bad cholesterol levels and promoting heart health. Bring on the herring and bilberries? More » Move Over Mediterranean? Researchers Tout The Health Benefits Of A Nordic Diet is a post from...
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    Researchers Tie Brain Injury To Tau

    University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers have uncovered what may be a key molecular mechanism behind the lasting damage done by traumatic brain injury. The discovery centers on a particular form of a protein that neuroscientists call tau, which has also been associated with...
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    The Genetic Basis Of Six Autoimmune Diseases Investigated By Researchers

    Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London have led the largest sequencing study of human disease to date, investigating the genetic basis of six autoimmune diseases. The exact cause of these diseases - autoimmune thyroid disease, coeliac disease, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, multiple...
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    Researchers identify networks of neurons in the brain that are disrupted in psychiatr

    Studying the networks of connections in the brains of people affected by schizophrenia, bipolar disease or depression has allowed Dr. Peter Williamson, from Western University, to gain a better understanding of the biological basis of these important diseases. Dr. Williamson and colleagues...
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    Researchers eliminate schizophrenia symptoms in an animal model

    Overexpression of a gene associated with schizophrenia causes classic symptoms of the disorder that are reversed when gene expression returns to normal, scientists report. They genetically engineered mice so they could turn up levels of neuregulin-1 to mimic high levels found in some patients...
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    Researchers Identify Target To Prevent Hardening Of Arteries

    The hardening of arteries is a hallmark of atherosclerosis, an often deadly disease in which plaques, excessive connective tissue, and other changes build up inside vessel walls and squeeze off the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Now, researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical...
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    Researchers Discover Master Regulator That Drives Majority Of Lymphoma

    New Findings Show Inhibiting Powerful Protein with New Agents May Supply Broad Benefit for Lymphoma Patients A soon-to-be-tested class of drug inhibitors were predicted to help a limited number of patients with B-cell lymphomas with mutations affecting the EZH2 protein. However, a research team...
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    Researchers discover world’s most extreme hearing animal

    Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have discoveredoth is capable of sensing sound frequencies of up to 300kHz – the highest recorded frequency sensitivity of any animal in the natural world. Humans are only capable of hearing sounds of 20kHz maximum, dropping to around 12-15kHz as we...
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    Researchers Discover New Target For Personalized Cancer Therapy

    A common cancer pathway causing tumor growth is now being targeted by a number of new cancer drugs and shows promising results. A team of researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have developed a novel method to disrupt this growth signaling pathway, with findings that...