
  1. T

    Most Medical Residents Dissatisfied With The Quality Of Substance-Abuse Training

    A 2012 survey of internal medicine residents at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) - one of the nation's leading teaching hospitals - found that more than half rated the training they had received in addiction and other substance use disorders as fair or poor. Significant numbers felt...
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    Surgical Residents Disapprove Of 2011 ACGME Duty Hour Regulations, Survey Finds

    JAMA Surgery Study Highlights In a study by Brian C. Drolet, M.D., of the Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, and colleagues, the majority of surgical residents who were surveyed reported that they disapprove of the 2011 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Common Program...
  3. T

    Medical Students And Residents Have Frequent Interactions With Pharmaceutical Compani

    A first-of-its kind national survey of medical students and residents finds that despite recent efforts by medical schools and academic medical centers to restrict access of pharmaceutical sales representatives to medical trainees, medical students and residents still commonly receive meals...
  4. L

    HELP! According to a survey, 27% of residents of a country 25 years old or older...?

    had earned at least a bachelor's degree. You are performing a study and would like at least 10 people in the study to have earned at least a bachelor's degree. a) How many residents of the country 25 years or older do you expect to randomly select? Round up to nearest integer b) How many...
  5. R

    Residents in Santa Cruz Barillas Guatemala are ordered by the zetas to leave...

    ...their homes? A friend from Guatemala said the drug dealers are ordering people to leave their homes in Guatemala . he read it in el Diario 28 September issue
  6. T

    Risks To Neurosurgery Patients Not Higher In Summer When New Residents Start, Study F

    For patients undergoing neurosurgery at teaching hospitals, there's no "July phenomenon" of increased death and complication rates when new residents start their training, reports a study in the September issue of Neurosurgery, official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. The...
  7. A

    How can Expat Residents in UAE prevent identity theft and insure data privacy on... Apple iPad? I do a lot of banking transactions online and since I'm always on the move, I also send emails and other confidential data through my iPad (I find it better than carrying a laptop or smartphone around). So what I wanted to know is how do I insure data privacy, security and...
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    'Shock Trauma' To Help Train University Of Maryland Dental Students, Residents

    The University of Maryland's School of Dentistry has teamed up with the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center for training future dentists to respond efficiently and effectively to life-threatening medical emergencies in a dental setting. Medical training is a growing trend...
  9. F

    For New Delhi residents, how is Ethos Body and Mind Clinic, Green Park?r?

    I'm looking to start a long term allergy treatment. Is the clinic good?
  10. F

    For New Delhi residents, how is Ethos Body and Mind Clinic, Green Park?r?

    I'm looking to start a long term allergy treatment. Is the clinic good?
  11. G

    To Georgia residents: Where is your favorite hiking trail? And why?

    For those who live in Georgia and love hiking, which place do you recommend going to? Any opinions? Please add a short description on why you like it if you have been there.
  12. S

    Where can I list my american vacation home for sale to england residents?

    Where online for free?
  13. K

    How does the human rights in Dubai effect the tourists and residents?

    So you know how kissing, hugging, holding hands, having sex without marriage is illegal and you can get fined and how Dubai has all these regulations and laws. How would it affect the tourists visiting and the residents who live there? Im doing a report on Dubai for homework and i really need...
  14. T

    More Neurology Residents Comfortable Using Stroke Clot-Busting Drug

    The percentage of graduating neurology residents comfortable treating stroke with a clot-busting drug has increased dramatically over the past 10 years, according to research published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. In a survey, the number of residents reporting feeling...
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    Pregnancy During Residency: ED Residents' Attitudes Favorable

    The demands of a medical residency can make balancing a career and family a challenge. But the results of a Henry Ford Hospital survey of Emergency Department (ED) resident physicians' attitudes on pregnancy during residency may offer uplifting news. The survey of 541 residents from across the...
  16. G

    Why do people want change in Egypt? Why do the residents of Egypt want a democracy?

    Im writing an essay on Egypt's situation but i need a little help getting started.
  17. D

    Thing for NYC residents to do on a vacation stuck at home? Please help!?

    Im a teenager that lives in the new york city and i never go away for vacation. I feel like i have done most things people suggest on regular online sites- suggestions are mostly touristy. I could really use some fun suggestions of new things to do in Manhattan so i don't have a boring vacation...
  18. S

    Do Minnesota residents need a snowmobile license...?

    Does a Minnesota resident need a snowmobile license to drive a snowmobile? Im going to be using my sisters snowmobile and I was wondering if I need to get a license for that. (I already have my drivers license)
  19. D

    NY residents please answer this?

    Me and a friend will be going to ny for some fun! Where can we go to meet some attractive men who are NOT losers/ from jersey or LI. They are just way toooo guido for us. Any suggestions as to what area or any specific places would be good? Def would appreciate any suggestions! thankkkks
  20. D

    NY residents please answer this?

    Me and a friend will be going to ny for some fun! Where can we go to meet some attractive men who are NOT losers/ from jersey or LI. They are just way toooo guido for us. Any suggestions as to what area or any specific places would be good? Def would appreciate any suggestions! thankkkks