
  1. S

    how early can a doctor take a blood test and get an accurate result?

    9 days before im due my period could a doctor tell whether or not im pregnant???
  2. B

    Has anyone died as a result from a UFC fight?

    Has anyone ever died as a direct result of a UFC fight?
  3. A

    Internet tabs says "jump" everytime I click on a result.?

    And it takes me to a completely different site. This happen to anyone?How do I stop it.
  4. W

    What commodity futures will go up as a result of stimulus bill?

    With the billions being spent what commodity futures would be a good investment?
  5. M

    Please help me interpret my latest Urinalysis Result of very high pus cells?

    Last February 3, 2009, I have my Urinalysis, The doctor have given me 7 days medication and told me to have a repeat urinalysis. This is now the result of my February 13, 2009 Urinalysis Color: yellow Transparency: Clousdy pH:5.0 Specific gravity: 1.0005 PUS CELLS: 35-45 / HPF Red Blood: 1-2/HPF...
  6. J

    Does eating a Fiber One Bar result in an ER Trip?

    I ate it yesterday and have been miserable since!
  7. A

    what does low carbon dioxide mean a a blood result?

    normal range is 21-33 mmol/L and mines is 12
  8. C

    How can i write script that won't result in the Internet explorer warning bar

    popping up? I'm making a fairly simple website for a department where i work, i kinda ant to impress them and the last thing i need is the warning bar popping up making them think it's harmful(they don't know much about computers.) The only script i have is a few onMouseOver events that cause...
  9. Š

    What will be the possibility of result when it comes to exalted Venus in...

    ...Retrograde motion? Is it a positive or negative placement when Venus retrograde from Pisces in the 7th house and rising house(1st house) lord mercury is placed with Venus in the same house and they are close each other in degree? what will be the result which the native will get from such a...
  10. R

    What will be the result of each of these following friendly games on next Wednesday?

    -England vs Spain -Peru vs Paraguay -France vs Argentina And why?
  11. L

    What will happen as a result of not updating the iphone?

    Details on problems because of unlock iphones and what could cause it to become useless as a phone. Would appreciate your comments and suggestions because im thinking on buying one but dont like the carrier plans and they dont adjust to my needs
  12. M

    Can you name three things that have improved as a direct result of complaining

    about Obama on Yahoo! Answers? This is my first question. I notice that approximately 2/3 of questions in this section of Yahoo! Answers complain about Obama. I'm interested in knowing three things that people who ask questions that amount to complaints about Obama hope to accomplish as a...
  13. F

    Why does Verizon FiOS Motorola HD-DVR 7216 result in a blank green screen...

    ...after 20 seconds with Sharp 1080 TV? I got FiOS installed today to finally replace cable. My older Cable box never gave me any 'compatibility' problems with my Sharp 46-inch 1080p HD TV (less than 1 year old). All of the sudden, FiOS comes in & hooks up their new Motorola High-Definition Home...
  14. T

    can spitting blood up be a result of screaming to hard?

    My brother has been spitting up alittle blood since last night and we all wanna know what can cause it .