
  1. H

    Was the doctor who died on the beach a robot then?

    Got a little confused with last nights episode. So the doctor just managed to hide himself in a robot then during the thing where time was collapsing?
  2. A

    Which Captain Planet antagonist has a robot sex-slave?

    And an hourglass figure.
  3. A

    robot synth android...? other music apps?

    Hi I am new to android.. can anybody tell me is there any app similar to robot synth...or whether robot synth is available in android... I have piano, drums, guitar apps.. pls tel me some other music instrument app..
  4. G

    What Would You Do With A Lego Robot That Takes iPad Photos? [Video]

    The folks at Montreal-based Pheromone Lab designed a Lego robot whose main function was to automate photo-taking on the iPad 2. Yes, you probably could use a software tool like UI Automation for the task, but that's no fun. More »
  5. G

    A robot that flies like a bird

    Read the comments on this post...
  6. G

    When In Doubt, Just Get a Sharpie-Armed Robot to Do Your Work Instead [Video]

    Terrible drawers of the world, unite—and arm yourselves with a 3-axis CNC machine that's been outfitted with a Sharpie pen for converting a vector image file to a tangible drawing in seconds. More »
  7. G

    Robot Armpit Looks Hideous, Smells Hideous [Robots]

    The "fun" doesn't end there, folks—Kevin Grennan has built a small army of robot bodyparts, each more disgusting than the last. He actually outfitted each robot with sweat glands that replicate the odor from each individual bodypart. More »
  8. G

    A Robot That Can Bake Chocolate-Chip Cookies [Video]

    The kids up at MIT have cooked up a robot that can bake chocolate cookies for them. They've named it PR2 and filmed it mixing the necessary ingredients with considerable efficiency. More »
  9. H

    Is Roger Ebert a robot?

    I saw him on tv today. When did he become a robot?
  10. G

    This Robot Teaches Itself to One-Up You [Video]

    The nerve of robots these days. You go to the trouble of showing one how to throw a ball through a hoop (sure, you missed a time or two, but you're human — it's expected) and the cheeky little bastard goes and improves upon your demonstration until it's sinking shots like Jordan. Researchers at...
  11. M

    Does anyone noe a robot anime with 3 kid?

    is a japan anime .. 3kids(2boy 1girl) with 5 tiny half man robot.. then found this 5 tiny half man robot in a box the ldr of the robot is red colour then a green robot good in laptop and mani more i cant remember !
  12. L

    Adult swim / Robot chicken, I can't put a name on this cartoon...? -.-?

    Okay... so in it there were like robot people, it was a series and they were like people but INSIDE the robot, like on in the brain, one in each arm and one in each leg. On of the girls in it slept with the bad guy and he was actually just using her? Not sure if that makes sense... but if it...
  13. C

    In the movie I,Robot can you describe how archetypes are used?

    for a homework assignment we need to know how archetypes were used in the movie I,Robot and I'm still totally lost
  14. C

    Where can I buy Faddy Robot T-Shirts?

    Hi, I've been wanting to buy faddy Robot T-Shirts but I can't find any places that ship internationally (I live in the US). Please Help D:?
  15. G

    Comet Hunting Space Robot Spots Quarry

    Stardust, the NASA probe, has downloaded a snapshot of Tempel 1, a comet that the comet seeking craft will sidle up to on February 14th. Here is the picture: On the night of encounter, the navigation camera will be used to acquire 72 high-resolution images of the comet's surface features...
  16. E

    7? iRobot APad iPed Epad Google Android Tablet WIFI Touch ... i robot android

    tablet instruction manual? I recently received a 7? i Robot A Pad iPed E pad Google Android Tablet WIFI Touch ..and don't know where to start set up the mid manual that came with it the letters are so small i can hardly read them can some one HELP ME PLEASE Thanks E.T.
  17. S

    Is Cleverbot a Real Person? Or is it really a robot?

    I just got the Cleverbot app for my iPhone. I've heard people say that it is a real robot, a person, or they put you with someone else that is using the app. I'm really freaked out because the "person" asked me why I asked him to go to a hotel room with him/her. Is this because they are putting...
  18. G

    Pogo Jumping Robot Could Rule Low Gravity Worlds [Robots]

    Japan, no stranger to work that involves delivering robotics to every facet of human society, thinks it may have figured out the best way for bipedal robots to move on low gravity worlds like the Moon. Enter the pogo stick: More »
  19. C

    What is the name of the robot movie in the Directv Commercial?

    It's the new commercial showing how the dvr can move from room to room,,, but i want to see the movie they used.
  20. V

    Name the song with a music video where a man building a robot wife and he...

    ...gets killed in a car accident ? Its. Fairly recent 2009/2010