
  1. B

    Romance books? Any Suggestions.?

    i want to read a romance book on an ugly duckling that turns into a beautiful swan. My favorite authors are Johanna Lindsay, Catherine Coulter, and many more but i really want to read something like that.
  2. A

    17. Love YA, comedy, romance and fantasy. Book recommendations anyone?

    I am 17 and I desperately need a book that would hold on to me and wouldn't let go. Here are some books I've loved: Mortal Instruments, Infernal devices, Vampire Academies, Hopeless, Skinjacker trilogy, Hunger games, Iron King, Divergent and well.. Twilight..
  3. R

    I need a recomendation romance, humor, supernatural anime like campione or

    highschool dxd? i like an anime who have a beautiful girl and cool guy and maybe little kiss :p and it's okay if its harem but i prefer happy ending. Can you recomend me some? thanks before :)
  4. E

    novels about teenage fantasy and romance?

    such as halo by alexandra adornetto or abandon by meg cabot or the fallen series. any novels like that. thanks :)
  5. C

    looking for an anime with a good sci fi romance theme were the main hero is a bad...

    ...ass? ok to be specific i just watched campione and i loved it just finished all the ep's for the anime i'm looking for something like that one were romance is one of the main themes and it's more modern with like a sci fi twist. I've seen a few like that that i like one being kaze no stigma...
  6. H

    Can anyone give me a good conflict for a teen romance story?

  7. N

    What is a good idea for a romance science fiction novel?

    I am writing a novel that is based on my personal experiences but I want to include some science fiction into it. Sort of like Twilight. Ideas anyone?
  8. K

    What's This Romance Novel's Title?

    I asked this question a few weeks ago, but got no proper answer, so I'm hoping maybe someone has read this and can tell me the title now >< I'd really appreciate it! As far as I remember the plot line is something like this: The main point of conflict in the novel arises due to this villain...
  9. A

    What are the best action, comedy, romance, and sci-fi animes, zombie, highschool

    related? I love animes than contain some romance, i love action, zombie and most of all, the story and comedy in it. These are few of the animes i have seen and liked a lot: Zero no tsuikaima, bleach, ouran high school, death note, fairy tail, high school of the dead, kore wa zombie desu ka...
  10. S

    Romance vampire mangas?

    I want a manga which is like a vampire boy turn a human girl into a vampire Like vampire knight No tradegy, harem, smut, horror
  11. R

    What is your idea of the perfect profession for the leading man in a romance novel?

    For ladies only, what would you want your leading man in a romance novel to do for a living? Foreign spy? Fireman or policeman? Professional (doctor, lawyer)? Soldier? Other? There are no wrong answers, but I'll reward the first person to come up with whatever turns out to be the most popular...
  12. G

    Spoiler Chat Daily: Gossip Girl and Smash Romance Scoop! Plus, The Walking Dead and M

    Ah, love is in the air, TV fans! Gossip Girl fans clamoring for Serena to find love will finally get their wish in the season finale, but exactly who will be romancing our favorite...
  13. K

    How can I make a five bad band for a realistic like fiction with a romance genre?

    Um I apologize but, I am trying to write a story about a person who has decided to be single but fell in love with a very attractive artist.. The only problem is that I do not how to put antagonist in it.. In addition, if you have been related to a website based solely on making...
  14. J

    For those who read romance fiction?

    I'm studying the variety in explicit romance literature for a paper and I'd love to get some input from those who read it. I'm talking less 'The Notebook' and more Harlequin romance. So for those of you who read this type of literature, how much of it is LGBT? Is there a line of gay/lesbian...
  15. G

    Live at American Idol: Colton and Skylar Talk Romance Rumors! Plus, Who's Ready to Be

    Oh, Ryan Seacrest, you just love to stir the romance-rumor pot any chance you get. Wednesday night's performance show was on fire with some pretty epic performances, but it was Ryan's...
  16. V

    Does anyone recognize this paranormal romance book?

    Okay, I really only read the summary of this book but now I want to find it, but I just can't find the sight I was on to get to the book. It's a adult book I believe about a girl who is a troll. Because she's ugly she believes that no one want to fall in love with her but , obviously, someone...
  17. P

    I want to rant about the romance in Young Justice?

    The romance could have been so much better This is how I would change it. Artemis won't have a crush on Super Boy. Kid Flash accidentally walks in on Super Boy and M'gann kissing. He gets upset. They suddenly have a mission. Kid Flash has a moment of hesitation from thinking of his heart break...
  18. M

    Is there romance in 'Legend' by Marie Lu?

    Between June and Day I'm just curious before buying the book :/
  19. S

    An Intense Romance Anime ?

    I really like anime's that are romance like vampire knight, reaally intense and it gives me the crazy buttreflies in stomach feeling. Vampire Knight was just so awwesome it really made my heart jump crazily I also liked kaichou wa maid sama Nodame Cantabile was cute too School days was great...
  20. J

    I am trying to find a book that I read, it's kinda a sci-fi romance. Help?

    It's about this alien boy who comes to earth in search of a female to bring back to his planet to help repopulate the female species. He stays with a family that had their daughter taken and he shows them pictures of their daughter and her two kids but he didn't mention all the other kids she...