
  1. G

    If This Is Nikon's New D800 DSLR, We Should Be Excited [Rumours]

    Back in October we reported the first leaked specs of Nikon's new flagship DSLR, the D800. Now the first pictures of the camera have circulated, and boy does it look like it means business. More »
  2. S

    After Bayern defeat where do they need players and any transfer rumours? ?

    Dissapointong lose to BVB they need for me about four players. Another striker and defender of good quality!!! And two midfielders of good quality and anothe defender if so. Disappointing loss!! Come on bayern!!!!!
  3. M

    Rumours about my teacher?

    i have a teacher and it is common knowledge in the school that he married a student and i looked this up and he had married his former 19 year old student when he was around 39-40 and has kids with her although they are getting a divorce now. i also found a facebook page about teachers in the...
  4. B

    Please Help! Rumours! I don't want to go to school!?

    This is long but help, its Urgent!Okay so these past two days my whole life has been falling apart! So yesterday after school my Uncle died really suddenly. I was upset and everything. Then at school I only told my closest friend. At morning break my friend (guy) pulled me aside and asked me why...
  5. G

    How can I clear out all these rumours spreading around my school?

    Okay, so I'm in grade 9, I'm 14 and earlier this year I let a guy do 'stuff' to me. I totally do not regret it because I did like him alot. Anyway, I told one person who told another who told some girl who told some group of guys and so on! Now its spreading fast and random people at school come...
  6. T

    Rumours of the next Great Depression?

    There are rumblings of the world experiencing another Great Depression like the one back in the 1920's through to the 1940's. Could we have more stock market crashes, very high levels of unemployment, interest rates not being regulated and people not spending or borrowing money anymore? If the...
  7. B

    Does anybody think the Cronulla rumours are true?

    Two stories floating around are that Carney is set to sign with the Sharks on a 2-3 year deal? The other is that Cronulla's finical situation is so dire that the teams inclusion in the 2012 season is in considerable doubt?
  8. H

    is jackie chan dead or is it rumours?

    i just seen a group on facebook saying he's dead and then i googled it some people are saying he is and others are saying he isn't? is he?
  9. P

    Transfer rumours and What's goin on? are we all possessed?

    What do ya think of the latest rumours? With all the riotin is this the work of the Devil lucifer himself me scared they may run out of coffee?
  10. H

    Got any spoilers for the next glee episode "Rumours"?

    All I know is what wikipedia says (and often they're wrong). Anyone know anything else interesting in the episode or even any pun intended. Thanks in advance :)
  11. U

    I cutt off a friend because realized he is so fake.. n now he is creating rumours...?

    I cutt off a friend because he was so fake.. n now he is creating rumours... i cut him off recently and i been chilling with him since like september.. n i realized that he talked **** behind my back every now and than and stold one of my stuff and acting like a complete angel and wow... he...
  12. U

    I cutt off a friend because realized he is so fake.. n now he is creating rumours...?

    I cutt off a friend because he was so fake.. n now he is creating rumours... i cut him off recently and i been chilling with him since like september.. n i realized that he talked **** behind my back every now and than and stold one of my stuff and acting like a complete angel and wow... he...
  13. A

    I've heard rumours that Jersey Shore is ending?

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me this is true.
  14. J

    What to do when boyfriend believes rumours about you that aren't true? You also...

    ...had a big fight? Friends boyfriend believes rumours that she likes other boys about her and is now angry. They had a fight she doesn't know what to do.
  15. J

    My brother in law has been slagging me off to a close friend making up rumours that

    I have cheated on my man? We have been together 5 years and have a son, it's his brother and comments of this nature have been made before! I have never been unfaithful and don't know why he is saying these things about me, when confronted he denies all and gets very angry and defensive. I knew...
  16. V

    i have a friend who is spreading malicious rumours about me?

    a so called friend, i know has been spreading malicious rumours about me and laughing because i have an anxiety disorder which affects my speech. he seems to think he can say what he wants about me and there will be no repurcussions. he see,s me as a nobody, the problem is im thinking of beating...
  17. A

    iphone 5 rumours is this true?

    now rumours been going arounf bout iphone 5 comming out soon i have heard nothing about it is this true as iphone 4 has really only just come out
  18. F

    Should i marry a muslim man that i have heard bad rumours about?

    Ok so i meet a man for marriage, we are both muslim and for the past 5 months we have been in contact, going to each others houses and going out together with either my sister or his, however he recently came back from holiday and i was told by my brother that he went to see strippers and...
  19. E

    Any rumours for boardmasters newquay 2011?

    Apart from the confirmed acts are there any rumours?
  20. chick

    neighbours ruining life, spreading rumours, abusing my family?

    since moving 2 years ago, ive had a life of hell, its chipping away at me bit by bit. all neighbours took instant dislike to me due to rumours n things they heard about me, i dont no why but over th years iv developed an appauling untrue reputation and i feel its going to follow me