...over to my yahoo acccount? I really don't want to email every email in every folder to my new yahoo email address one by one as that will take forever! Thanks, Julie
When I go to Cinemagram or GifBoom apps on my iPhone 4S, and click on import GIF, it says I have no GIF's when in fact, I synced them through iTunes.
My Sony Xperia V cell phone fell down the bath last December (don't ask how)! I tried to turn it on and it wasn't turning on, so I just transferred phones. Now that my iPhone 3GS is already broken and it's already been sitting for 5 months, is it still usable? I'm really out of cash (I bought a...
Every day, their baby stopped breathing, his collapsed bronchus blocking the crucial flow of air to his lungs. April and Bryan Gionfriddo watched helplessly, just praying that somehow the dire predictions weren't true. "Quite a few doctors said he had a good chance of not leaving the hospital...
I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. I feel so stupid. I was trying to put it on the counter and it slipped out of my hand before I even got there and dropped in the toilet. I grabbed it out of there right away. There wasn't a lot of water in the toilet it sat in for a few seconds. I tried to...
I'm going to this party and the theme is from the same time as saved by the bell. (The 90s) and I want to know how can I get Kelly's hair? How do I do her bangs?? Thanks so much!!
My friend from grade school wanted me to upload a home movie from our 8th grade football season. It just one play though. I have already downloaded the whole DVD on to laptop and have saved it under videos. Now I just need to separate that one scene out from the rest of the DVD and save it to a...
One of my friends is now using a smart phone for messaging. Our conversations are not being saved in conversation history for some reason. Does anyone have any ideas what is going on?
Some of the Png images in the saved photos on my Ipad have images that I have deleted as a background in the thumbnail image. For example, I have a png image of a pokemon saved and instead of having no background in the thumbnail image like it should, it has an image of New York City in the...
I have synced my iphone and yahoo calendar. Detail entered on yahoo calendar appears on my iphone but not in the opposite way, that is, when I save detail on my calendar on iphone it does ot appear in yahoo calendar, any help greatly appreciated
sync it with another product? I was just wondering whether or not all the purchases I make in the app store are saved, so that I could upload them onto another device or if I break my phone and need to get a new one it'd still say I bought it, and could just download it again? I heard that it...
Setting minimum prices for alcohol increases health and economic benefits, say international experts, who met for a seminar on alcohol pricing and public health. The meeting - sponsored by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia...
Jesus told the story of a prodigal son in Luke 15. This son went out and lived a riotous life. He then came to his senses and decided to return to his father's house to become one of his slaves. And although he confessed his sin, his motives were not necessarily all that pure - he was tired...
I want to buy Saved By the Bell The College Years on Amazon for Christmas. They are out of print so of course they will be expensive, I found it on Amazon for about $55 plus shipping. I am a Saved By the Bell fan and would like to complete my collection of that show!! Do you think its worth the...