It's strange to think the Summit (Ore.) High football players Drew Bledsoe now coaches weren't even born when he was the No. 1 overall pick in the 1993 NFL draft.
Some of the seniors might have been infants when Bledsoe led the New England Patriots to their first Super Bowl appearance in 1996...
I stared school 3 weeks ago...
8th grade
It's a Christian school so yeah.
I met this guy he was a freshman
It's a pre-k-12th
He texted me in class to meet him in this on classroom
No one goes in there and we could lock the door but it was locked
We went into the nurses bathroom
And you...
With the start of the school year around the corner, now is the perfect time for parents to ramp up efforts at infusing their kids' lunches with creative, healthy options. "You don't have to completely cut back on snacks and sugars to ensure that your child eats a well-balanced meal," explains...
At the end of seventh grade, my whole class took a quiz about ourselves, (which career paths we would take, what kind of education we want, etc.) and I was suddenly reminded of it. Do most schools do this? And if so, what is it for? I thought maybe it was because they wanted to get a feel for...
This was my first year of highschool, and it sucked. I lost all my best friends cause of rumours from some upper classmen, what they said was im a nasty bitch, i dont wear underwear and i sleep around with people, and i wear under wear, i wear pretty modest clothes and im a virgin. I guess i...
Alright, so I'm starting a new school in the fall and they have a lot of different policies from my old school. I know that if they find you texting or your phone goes off they can take it for 45 days. However... can they legally SEARCH you for a phone? Like, go through your bag and stuff...
After a school trip to visit Cambridge last year, 17-year-old Jinan Younis and a group of her female friends encountered what so many of us encounter and have encountered since we were Jinan’s age – a bunch of drudebros sexually harassed them. More »
Amazing High School Girls Start ‘Feminist...
Call me foolish, or maybe just the product of a generation where sex is less taboo than it has been in the past, but I strongly feel that sex education is just as important as any other type of education. Honestly, the sex ed classes that I took in high school were far more informative than the...
School partners with anti-malware developer for funding
Posted on 21-Jun-2013 11:29. | Filed under: News :*Computing.
The Motueka Rudolf Steiner School has set up an innovative win-win-win fundraiser with an international software company. The independent school has outgrown its rented...
32Gb is enough? My school is requiring that we get the new iPad for textbooks, documents, and other school related materials. Now for my own recreational use, I plan to buy a lot of books/novels, a couple hundred songs, a couple movies, and a lot of apps. Also, something weird is up with my...
Gado-Gado is a popular Indonesian*salad composed of both raw and cooked vegetables in a spicy peanut sauce. Try it as a side at summer potlucks or a main-dish meal at home. More »
Cooking School: How To Make Gado-Gado, A Main-Dish Indonesian Salad In Spicy Peanut Sauce is a post from Blisstree...
i recently changed schools and i remember something that was called a pda at our old school and everone hated it. i looked it up and it looks like it stops people from kissing and hugging and someone even said slowdancing... my school allows a slow dance, and we can hug eachother freely but i...
Tomorrow, the London College of Fashion will be hosting an event called "Why Size Doesn't Matter: Be the Best You/Hear how to Feel Great 24/7." If I was in London right now, I'd totally try to go because I love body positivity, fashion and irony equally. More »
Today In Irony: Fashion School...