
  1. A

    how to unscrew stripped screw on nokia?

    i brought a new case for my nokia e71 and i need to unscrew the old case but the nails stripped so the screw driver wont grip onto it, how can i get the screw out without a screwdriver as for i dont have one, thanx
  2. J

    Is the Healthcare Bill just a massive Tax Hike to screw Americans?

    A Boston Globe analysis of the health care bill which Democrats are trying to ram through before Christmas against the will of the American people illustrates how the legislation is a gigantic tax heist which will further economically assault Americans already laboring under the worst financial...
  3. G

    Screw Cooking: Grow Your Own Meat From Animal Cell Capsules [Science]

    The Cocoon Cooker isn't just some fancy steamer or something like that. No, it's a machine that actually grows meat and fish from heated animal cells. A-whaaa? It's a mere design concept, sadly, as we don't have the science of growing animal proteins quite figured out yet. But Electrolux is...
  4. G

    Screw Twitter, You Can Follow This Politician's GPS Ankle Bracelet [GPS]

    Michael Untermeyer better steer clear of the strip clubs for the next thirty days. The candidate for Philly DA has chosen to wear an electronic monitoring anklet like the thugs get to wear. Why? Leading by example, or you know by gimmick, the candidate believes that the state can save millions...
  5. Y

    does changing the tire size by making it bigger screw up the speedometer?

    is there a way to prevent this?
  6. I

    did i screw up the environment?

    Yes I did but how badly? I was out with friends tonight and I wanted to seem cool so I threw an entire full plastic cup of coke from McDonald's and the bag and evrything out the window and now I feel rlly bad. What can I do to help the environment??
  7. K

    I tried to mod a green laser pointer pen (5mw) and i broke the screw on the board.

    It wont turn on.? I opened up the pen and on the small green motherboard there is a screw that is supposed to turn the power up and down on the strength of the beam, well i broke it and cant put it back on. The pen now does not work, there is no beam that comes out. How can i fix, if possible?
  8. D

    How do you drill and re tap a broken screw on a manifold?

    I broke one of the bolts off of the exhaust manifold on my chevy 2500 and I do not have the money to buy another exhaust manifold. How do you drill out and re tap a screw that is broke off? the screw is very very tightly in the manifold. I have never drilled and re tapped before so can anyone...
  9. G

    On my Dirt bike to check the oil do I screw in the dip stick or just dip it in?

    Same Thing with an ATV? Do i stand the dirt bike straight up and not on its kickstand? What oil should I also use for a 1977 xl75 Honda? Oil for 1995 Honda Foreman 400 LE?
  10. A

    What type of screw drive fits the screws on the inside of the xbox 360 to open

    the case completely? like the X clamp screws AND the regular silver screws that keep the top of the case on, please define both so i can go buy them.
  11. B

    Did the Coast Guard screw up the search for the guys on the boat?

    One of the guys said there was a light that shined on them, but the helicopter flew away. They were out there, why didn't they see them? Someone's going to lose their job!
  12. I

    How to get a Siezed screw off of a 50cc Bike Motor?

    I have a bike motor that ive built on my cruiser, I came to the last and most annoying part on the motor. There are 3 screws that wont budge no matter how hard i tug to get em loose. The screws hold the Crank shaft sprocket cover. Ive already tryed WD 40 and Engine Greese. The Rust must be deep...
  13. S

    fix car stereo i found out y my car stereo turn off a screw were i put my

    stereo went in and touched the? circit board and it has a lil burn can i fix it to work again myself or no
  14. H

    free phone backrounds that wont screw up your phone?

    so i want free backrounds and ringers but they guy at the store said that phone zoo and myxer screw up your phone. were can i get good quality backrounds and rigners??? please help 10 points to has the best answer
  15. S

    can someone use a tans unit on their back if they have a titanum screw in their back?

    a friend of my is at their mom's and they arn't for sure if they can or not. i think that's what the thing is called a tangunit or tins unit something like that
  16. R

    are all chords that screw into the cable jacks for tv and internet the same do

    i need to buy a special one? are some just for cable tv or internet or are they all the same?
  17. B

    Nissan 1984 cylinder Venturer Sedan, Mixture Screw Help!!?

    Hi i am wondering what the correct setting for the mixture screw of this veihcle is.. (How many turns outwards approx.) Having massive troube to make it run properly.. Please help
  18. V

    Why is it that when celebrities screw up, people don't want to watch their movies

    anymore? I know this guy who says that ever since Wesley Snipes was arrested for tax evasion and fraud, he was "absolutely disgusted" and went like, "I refuse to watch any of his movies again." I have lady friend who said that she refused to watch Tom Cruise movies ever since he appeared on the...
  19. M

    Since Obama wants to screw the future generations?

    shouldnt he pimp out his daughters to help pay for this sorry excuse for leadership. Lets run a train on em... when they are old enough of course... Im not that shallow. he's pimpin out your kids, why doesnt he pimp out his... give em to the Indonesian child sex trade to learn the tricks... like...
  20. G

    stripped screw in my dirt bike exhaust?

    i was trying to take out the baffler in my 06 crf250x and the little, like an allen wrench screw but not exactly, was stripped and now i can not get it out. i need it out but it is stripped and dont know how to... anyone have any ideas? thanks