
  1. G

    How do you shave your face in like 30 seconds?? lol Military question?

    If they even give you 30 seconds. How do you shave in like 30 seconds?? lol I mean seriously? I should go train myself in the bathroom right now and time myself.
  2. P

    How can i shave some weight off my dirt bike?

    what are some things i could do to my bike to make it lighter
  3. E

    When you shave your own head to a high and tight military style how do you fade... as it sticks out? like all jaggid if that makes sense? if i go and buy a clipper , it comes with all the blades and stuff, is there a blade what you stick ont he clipper to fade the hair? as when i cut my hair high and tight the line what goes around the top of your head , you know the...
  4. J

    Why do most men shave and a few do not ?

    if you are a man why do you shave your face or not shave your face ? if you are a woman what do you like best a man who dose or dose not ?
  5. A

    what is the best thing to shave with?

    this is kind of my first time shaving in the genital area so can you help me yeah i know with a razor
  6. E

    If I shave my mid 20s daughters head, will this make her hair grow back thicker?

    I am asking Muslims this question because they seem to know more about the subject.
  7. A

    Girls Only! Bikini Shave Burns!?

    I shaved, and now its red, bumpy, constantly itchy, it feel prickly and its just...ugh! I used some creams that are used for this type of situation, and it didn't work at all! Also, i used aloe, (real plant aloe) and let the area kind of breathe(get air) and i have put anti-itch creams, and...
  8. J

    How do you shave down there?

    without cutting yourself? I'm in my 20s...need advice..thanks.
  9. M

    I have really sensitive skin and if i shave with razor i break out bad. Can...

    ...someone help me? Im going to boot camp for the usmc soon and from what i heard, i have to keep my face clean and shave with a razor. like i told you before if i shave with a razor i break out and on top of that, my neck starts to hurt and feel irritated. I tried to shave two times to see what...
  10. H

    Is it acceptable to shave a Yorkie?

    I have a Yorkie, but his hair's always tangling. He's 5 years old, I live in a warm climate. Would it be acceptable to give him the 'puppy shave', or is there another way to keep it short to avoid the everyday hassles of grooming? I brush him, wash him, everything. I'm not being lazy about it, I...
  11. R

    Does mach3 razor makes your skin or your shave harder?

    i am 20years old and my shave is not very hard rite now and i have one more question that does using machine or vibrator razors makes you skin black because of electricity touching your skin?
  12. T

    Does a puppy cut for a poodle consist of face shave?

    To me I personally hate poodles with face shaves, leg shaves, and matted out ears. Is there a cut thats just all grown out? Curly and not too long, just not face shaved. So i was wondering if the puppy cut was the one for me.
  13. A

    Why is it that when I shave one area burns for hours afterwards?

    When I shave my pubic hair, I have one area that burns for hours after wards. I use an electric razor to shave the area around my clitoris and I tend to trim any hair on my labia minora that is visible. After wards the side always burns. I do the same thing on the right side and it's fine. I...
  14. C

    Do nurses shave you during surgery pre op?

    I heard that a female nurse shaves off a man's pubic hair before a surgery involving that general area. Is that really true?
  15. A

    My mom won't let me shave my armpits?

    I've had armpit hair for a little while and she knows that. Last night I emailed her and asked and told her it was embarassing, and this was her reply: I will have a look in the morning and we’ll decide what to do then. Mom She didn't sound to thrilled and she didn't sound like she'd let...
  16. D

    how can my bf shave his face leaving no hair marks?

    my bf was shaving but i know once he finish shaving his face i see kinda like the hair stems left after he shaved the surface, so instead of showing just his skin the hair stems show along with the skin. i was wondering how he can get rid of those hair stems after shaving so you don't see any of...
  17. BenM

    girls:where should guys shave?

    where should they shave and not shave
  18. S

    are girls supposed to shave their upper lip/mustache?

    are girls supposed to shave their upper lips ?
  19. N

    How often do you have to shave?

    I always have to shave my Bumhole because it always gets hairy> Does anyother girls out there have a hairy Asshole thats always needs to be shaved?
  20. A

    How to shave with my bare body 3rd planet?

    I can't seem to shave anything off