
  1. C

    POLL--> Which celebrity death was the most shocking...?

    A. Michael Jackson B. Heath Ledger C. Gary Coleman
  2. R

    Tell me something funny, shocking, or amusing?

    Dazzle me... WEEEEE! Thats right. I throw oranges at zebras, maybe we should go out and toss some fruit together Ohh shizzle! a punch in the face will stop that right quick like! I am too cool for school too now... HAHAHAHA, classic, DOG POOOO
  3. M

    Whats a shocking but really interesting persuasive essay topic?

    looking for a topic that isnt widely known but is still very interesting to talk to an audience about. any ideas? give me many :)
  4. I

    Americans, Are You Allowed To See These Shocking Videos?

    Americans, Are You Allowed To See These Shocking Videos? Israel's influence of US policy & the Israeli lobby Documentary 'The Israel lobby - The influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy'...
  5. B


    My dog lays on the couch with me but every time she moves she SHOCKS ME and it hurts and is getting annoying....any idea on how to make this stop....
  6. G

    Five Shocking Time-Lapse Videos of the Los Angeles Wildfire [Clips]

    After 11 days, Firefighters believe they have finally made progress battling the arson fire that has ravaged 148,258 acres of Angeles National Forest. That is a herculean feat, as these frighting time-lapse videos illustrate. In a town so tied into the film industry, it isn't...
  7. S

    A shocking picture I saw on the internet. Please tell me it's fake?

    I had a popup and it was a kitten's head being stood on with a stiletto. It looked real, but I don't know if it's fake or not. Have you seen it? Is it fake? Thanks...
  8. N

    song form for venus by shocking blue?

    i need the song form for the song venus like when a section starts and stops or when it switches to different sections and stuff please???
  9. G

    Shocking Laser Pen?!?

    Has anyone seen those pens that write shoot laser lights and shock you thaey are so much fun do you have a funny story from 1 I said to my sister this pen will shock you and she hit the button and it was funny
  10. U

    What has been the most shocking events from 2000-2008?

    Anywhere around the world btw.
  11. M

    Why is my laptop shocking me?!?

    for the past two days, every timee I pick my computer up out of the couch it gives me a sort of static shock! Ihaven'tshut it down, just closed the lid & it goes into hibernation . . . does this have something to do with it? Is this dangerous?
  12. T

    How is the humanitarian situation in Gaza shocking?

    Soooooo.....Palestinians dont have food saved up or stored away for these situations? They didnt see this on the horizon?
  13. S

    What's the most shocking or horrible thing you have ever seen on the internet?

    And have you seen that video of the man being tortured to death by those Ukranian teenagers? It's a shocker. (Please don't report this question; it's not like it has a link in it!) PSH! 2girls1cup has NOTHING on the one I'm talking about.