
  1. ZacharyMata

    Kempo or shotokan karate in dallas texas?

    Right now I am studying jiu jitsu and I am taking mma and mauy thai classes at a gym in dallas called octagon mma. I do plan on fighting in mma matches as soon as im ready. I wanted to find a karate school that will teach me the art of karate but that teaches a style of karate that will best be...
  2. ZacharyMata

    Kempo or shotokan karate in dallas texas?

    Right now I am studying jiu jitsu and I am taking mma and mauy thai classes at a gym in dallas called octagon mma. I do plan on fighting in mma matches as soon as im ready. I wanted to find a karate school that will teach me the art of karate but that teaches a style of karate that will best be...
  3. ZacharyMata

    Kempo or shotokan karate in dallas texas?

    Right now I am studying jiu jitsu and I am taking mma and mauy thai classes at a gym in dallas called octagon mma. I do plan on fighting in mma matches as soon as im ready. I wanted to find a karate school that will teach me the art of karate but that teaches a style of karate that will best be...
  4. A

    Do kyokushin karate ,shotokan,wado ryu,shitoryu,goju ryu and washinkai

    have almost the same fighting strikes..? I already know that they have different stances and some of them circle away or take angles ,I do kyokushin and shotokan but I wanna know if the fighting techniques are almost all the same or similar punches ,elbows,blocks,etc. And also if they have same...
  5. N


    ok i have been doing mma for 30 years now always training to become the best, i would always say karate is **** and i would never learn it. then one day i was invited to spar with a shotokan club so i joined thinking i would kick ***, but i ended up getting my *** kicked i could not get them to...
  6. L

    Judo in shotokan karate kumite?..... see details?

    Just wondering for jka and iskf rules NOT wkf. Or any other traiditonal shotokan organisation, is judo takedowns allowed? I don't only mean the infamous ashi barai. I mean throws and takedowns like not the hip throw ones but ashi waza like kosoto gake, osoto gari, kosoto gari and quick foot...
  7. C

    A complimentary martial art to Shotokan Karate?

    i have been training in shotokan for quite a while now (currently at 2nd kyu) and was looking to look to broaden my horizons with another martial art, preferably one that i can develop my throws, locks and groundwork. Any suggestions people Cheers
  8. P

    Is the combination of Shotokan Karate with Shoot wrestling good for self

    defence and MMA? My main martial art will be Shotokan Karate and I will crosstrain in Shoot wrestling for ground fighting.
  9. F

    When you begin shotokan karate, do you HAVE to wear a white gi?

    Im going to start, don't know the rules.
  10. P

    In Shotokan Karate is the Judachi stance the best to use for self defence?

    What about Kokutsu Dachi or Neko Ashi Dachi?
  11. G

    Kempo vs shotokan which is a better striking martial art?

    Dont tell me crap, "THere is no better martial art" cut the crap. Who will win if the have the same size, muscle and experience in their respective art. Kokoro piece of shit shut the fuck up. All this crap that there are no best martial arts shove that up ur ass damn fool. There are better arts...
  12. J

    Is Shotokan Karate a good martial arts to learn?

    I have been wanting to do karate since I was a kid, but never was able to and now I am going to start Shotokan and I want to know is it a good martial art to learn?
  13. P

    What would you choose; Aikido or Shotokan Karate and why?

    @ those people who say neither or another. Read the QUESTION! It is a choice, if you don't like the arts then do not answer. Those who do I say EPIC FAIL and you look like idiots!
  14. D

    is shotokan karate a bad martial art?

    i've been doing it for a year and i have been wondering if all this work i did is not going to help me in a street fight. we do more full contact sparring but we do very little point sparring
  15. R

    good shotokan karate workout? I need a schedule that will help me learn my

    techniques and kata? Please only shotokan karate people or people who know what they are talking about. Basically, I don't train enough at home, and I forget things and fall behind the rest of the class. Im a first kyu brown belt, and If I improve enough I will be allowed to go for black, but I...
  16. D

    Why isn't Shotokan Karate an Olympic Sport?

    I mean there are lots of other martial arts which, in my opinion, should not be olympic sports, why is traditional shotokan karate not an olympic sport?
  17. D

    Why isn't Shotokan Karate an Olympic Sport?

    I mean there are lots of other martial arts which, in my opinion, should not be olympic sports, why is traditional shotokan karate not an olympic sport?
  18. H

    What are some tips for sparring Karate shotokan?

    Im 15 girl i started karate like in june or july? im a yellow belt now and i SUCK at sparring i can't do anything and its just really aannoying!! I dont know whybut i just cant do it. I mean sometimes i don't mind but then today i had to spar with this guy and he just ruthlessly punched me in...
  19. R

    Shotokan karate kumite tips?

    Im 11 years old and Im a green belt. I need some tips because there is a tournament coming up. Im good at sweeps, takedowns, and kicks. Another question: When someone kicks me can I grab their leg and then sweep the other one?
  20. P

    what are the opening times of Shotokan Karate at Withins Leisure Centre-...

    ...Bolton, England? what are the opening times for Shotokan Karate Club at Withins Leisure Centre in Bolton, England?