
  1. B

    What is that LCD cube gadget that showed up in an episode of the IT Crowd?

    It had what looked like LCD screens on each face and had a rippling effect on the screens. I haven't had much luck finding out what it is.
  2. J

    Have you ever showed or talked to a friend abut your pee/poop in the toilet?

    Its ratehr taboo to talk abot pee and poop to anybidy. But sometimes you have some stunning bowel moevemts and may want to share the experiences. HENCE, HAS THERE EVER been a time when talked about your poop/pee to a friend OR PERHAPS EVER SHOWED SUCH. WAS THEY SCARED TO COME ALONG FOR THE one...
  3. K

    I did some bad things on omegle , and showed my face if i become a celebrity

    , will i get into trouble? HELP? Please help , i got naked on omegle and i even showed my face ! I heard ppl can record me . I want to become a celebrity, so if i become one im afraid i'll get into lots of trouble and just hate my life . please help im so scared ! ?
  4. J

    I'm playing a DVD on VLC player and all of a sudden span.subtitles showed up...

    what do i do to turn them off? The episode I just watched didn't have subtitles to I think I clicked something by accident... plus its a dvd so there were not subtitles recorded over. I tried to disable osd on the preference menu but that didn't work either... help=[
  5. J

    A poll last week showed that 58% of US voters believe Obama is a socialist.?

    What do you think a socialist is and is obama a socialist? How many socialist does it take to plug light bulb? Socialist response, "whats a light-bulb.
  6. S

    Why do guys ignore girls they previously showed a lot of interest in ?!?

    This guy's messing with my head ! I got a few strong hints after some parties, but then this weekend I was super sure because he was following me the whole party, hugging me a lot, interrupting me when I was talking to other guys...and all my friends are saying we should get together (I don't...
  7. L

    My house phone number showed up on a cell phone when its suppose to be blocked...?

    Hi, My home telephone is set so that when I dial out it will show as private on other peoples phones. The strange thing is that couple days ago I called this one person and they called me back. When I asked them how did they get this number they said they saw it on their cell phone ID. I was...
  8. A

    Girl im interested showed great interest and now very distant? Help?

    There is a girl that im very interested in... She approached me first and asked to hang out and we had a good time and we hung out some more. When ended up sleeping together and she asked me all sorts of questions like can we do this again, about if i liked being with her and if was having fun...
  9. A

    BOYS: if a girl showed interest in you would you date her or show interest back

    just to make her happy? to all the boys, lets say that a girl you knew who was your good friend showed interest in you (flirted and stuff in an obvious way)...would you tell her that you like her and date her/give her a chance just to make her happy or see if anything more develops between you...
  10. R

    What was the anime Sci fi showed with this 8 eyed monster that had sex...

    ...with a really hot chick? The anime played back in like 2005 on the Sci Fi channel and I forgot the name of it. One of the episodes has the space team on a remote planet captured and there is a gay ruler of the planet which the hot chick ends up having sex with and then the gay space guy gets...
  11. J

    My x-ray showed nothing?

    I had a spine x-ray and it showed nothing. Could I still have spince cancer. I have though I have had it for the last 4 years.
  12. J

    On one of Conan Obrien's final shows he showed a clip of him at a vineyard?

    Anyone know where I can watch it? I thought it was funny and I looked all over for it but cant find it? Any help? Thanks!
  13. T

    x-ray showed fractured vertebrae MRI came back fine?

    I had an xray done on february 6th from my car accident on december first and the neurologist that looked at the xrays said that it looks like i may have fractured one of my vertebrae however when i had my MRI done about a week ago there was no fractured vertebrae. So which one is right. Do i...
  14. E

    Did anyone see the view today (Feb 23rd) when they had the lady that showed...

    ...different little gadgets? She showed all kinds of things like this bra dryer thing and there was this one thing that was like a fake button that you put on your jeans to give you just a little bit more room. Does anyone know what this product is and where you can get it? I NEED IT!
  15. P

    pregnancy test showed a faint minus sign?

    the test showed a faint minus sign and the second didn't even develop. Whats this mean? could blood have hurt results?
  16. G

    What was the PBS show that showed reenactments of wars in the castle age and others?

    The host was a grandpa who would have a 'virtual' layout in front of him and little digital people would have war (kinda like on a chessboard) He talked about different strategies that were used by armies. There were actors who would sit down dressed up like soldiers and talk about how the...
  17. N

    can i watch gossip girl online while it's being showed?

    if so, what website? it's january 9 2009 and the tvs in my house are being used at 7 (gossip girl time) to watch Obama's confrence i need answers...FAST thx!!!
  18. J

    Have you ever felt you may have showed up your teacher or professor?

    Have you ever had an experience where you ended up correcting them in class, in a nice way of course, or you might have been in some way oblivious to their resentment, then tried to be a good student, but they wanted to avoid you for some reason?
  19. A

    my dream showed me my future husband!?!?!?!?

    i had a dream last night where i was walking with someone,(idk who) and she told me that the name of my husband would be atop of a bus frame.i just ignored the dream and went about my day. next day, i was boarding the school bus when i just so happened to look atop and there is was."wayne". does...
  20. V

    I'm trying to look for that music video that was on The-N Tv for teens, it showed...

    ...during commercial breaks? It was the music vid with the girl, and the band, they were at a bowling alley, and it goes something like "Im coming home, I'm coming home"