
  1. M

    Is the Ipod shuffle compatible with audi podcasts on Itunes?

    I have been having trouble downloading them? If so, please explain how to do so..... Thanks.
  2. T

    Put Your Ipod/mp3 on Shuffle and go for it...?

    So, put your iPod/MP3 or whatever on shuffle and for each question, write the name of the song that comes up. Have fun! 1. If someone says 'Is this ok?' you say... 2. What do you like in a girl/guy? 3. How do you feel today? 4. What is your life purpose? 5. What is your motto? 6. What...
  3. R

    whats the difference between the iphone nano and iphone shuffle compared... the iphone? they haven't come out, but they are making it. and i as curious to know the difference.