
  1. R

    Can some help me find this article about P2P Filesharing and Shutting down internet.?

    I saw an article in December 08, about the Music Industry shutting down peoples internet, using their IP Address, when they download music. Can someone help me find this article, i think it was on yahoo news If you can't find this one can you help me find a similar one 10 points most helpful
  2. M

    My Verizon Motorola V3 Rzr keeps shutting off?

    So, I've had this phone for about a year and 2months since i got it for Christmas in 2007. This phone has been through alot suggesting that I've touched the keys with wet fingers, dropped it numerous times, and the keypad coming all the way off. But still it continued to work. Lately this...
  3. K

    Why does my internet keep shutting off?

    My internet keeps shutting off and the only way to make it work again is to restart my computer, it's so fucking annoying, is there any way to fix this? Oh and I have been getting this windows server does not exist error message does this have anything to do with it?
  4. L

    What do you think about Harley Davidson shutting down plants and laying off workers?

    I say they did it to themselves. All the other Bike companies are still thriving. Harley is rapidly becoming a company who caters to the elite. Even their throw away Sportster is over priced. Until they get a clue, they are losing a heck of a lot more buyers.
  5. R

    Can some help me find this article about P2P Filesharing and Shutting down internet.?

    I saw an article in December 08, about the Music Industry shutting down peoples internet, using their IP Address, when they download music. Can someone help me find this article, i think it was on yahoo news If you can't find this one can you help me find a similar one 10 points most helpful
  6. J

    media manager for walkman 1.2 keeps shutting my pc down ?

    Whenver i try to fully install media manager for walkman 1.2 mp3 player my pc shuts down in the middle of it. Or i click the desktop icon to see if it will start up and it shuts down again! help!
  7. J

    media manager for walkman 1.2 keeps shutting my pc down ?

    Whenver i try to fully install media manager for walkman 1.2 mp3 player my pc shuts down in the middle of it. Or i click the desktop icon to see if it will start up and it shuts down again! help!
  8. S

    My internet keeps shutting down and i cant discover what the problem might be? ?

    i have a laptop....a compaq presario 1200. Every time i try to open a web page it always says that it is experiencing problems and cannot open the web page but when i do restart the computer the problems continue 2 get worst.
  9. C

    anyone heard the rumor that yahoo messenger is shutting down on nov 17th?

    2 people said they have had messages from the pres of yahoo saying it is shutting down.