
  1. P

    State two situations where antibiotics are totally ineffective in curing a...

    ...communicable illness.? Please be very specific with your answers.
  2. L

    Why does everyone gripe and complain about their situations but never do...

    ...anything about it? No one ever seems willing to take care of their own problems. To me its like if you have a thorn in your side are you going to sit around and cry and wait for someone to pull it out or are you going to be a big girl/boy and pull it out yourself and get over it. Everyday I...
  3. B

    financial situations; future father?

    ok i work at a check cashing place. get paid not good, but not bad either. the pay is bi-weekly (2x/weeks) my wife is 8 months pregnant and the rent is $400 a month. i bring home 600+ when i get paid. WHERE AM I AND I KNOW ITS NOT ENOUGH BUT HOW AM I DOING SO FAR.....