
  1. J

    POT SMOKERS & EX POT SMOKERS.... can I go from using weed every day to just...

    ...smoking on the weekends? Right, I smoke weed everyday, I decided to give up weed on Sunday, haven't had a joint since Sunday.. its nows Wednesday... I am contemplating just having a smoke on the weekends (once or twice a day) but can I actually do that and be use to it? I was reading on the...
  2. T

    Magnetic Brain Stimulation May Help Smokers Quit

    Smokers looking to quit cigarettes face an expanding choice of therapies to help them give up the habit, ranging from nicotine replacement medications and behavioral therapy, to hypnosis and even acupuncture. Now a new study from the US suggests another option: a treatment called high...
  3. T

    Cigarettes That May Reduce Smokers' Exposure To Toxicants

    We have shown in our first clinical study of our novel prototype cigarettes that it is possible to reduce smokers' exposure to certain smoke toxicants. The only way to be certain of avoiding the risks of smoking is not to smoke. And reducing the health risks of smoking has been the overriding...
  4. D

    Pot smokers, are you happier when you don't smoke?

    I've come to realize I don't want to live my life constantly waiting for the next bowl. I'm wanting to hear from people who smoke weed regularly. Do you feel more happy when you smoke weed or when you don't? I think I'm generally happier the less I smoke but for some reason I still want to smoke..
  5. T

    Identifying When Smokers Attempting Cessation Are At A Higher Risk Of Relapse

    New findings by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health may help identify situations in which smokers who are trying to quit are at a higher risk of relapse. More than 1,200 people die in the United States every day from...
  6. I

    40-54 year olds who used to be chain smokers! Please fill out my survey for my

    research.? please click the link.
  7. D

    Smokers, what does smoking cigarettes do for you?

    Unfortunately I have been smoking for over 5 years now and I do not get a buzz from them anymore just addicted to them.
  8. M

    Why don't they fine smokers for tossing a cigarette into the street?

    Some places fine you up to $1000 for littering. I can't throw trash into the street or I'll get fined. I'm a smoker. I try to dispose of my butts (though not always). Why aren't they fining us for littering?
  9. T

    Smokers Who Survive Stroke At Increased Risk Of Another Stroke, Heart Attack, Death

    Stroke survivors who smoke put themselves at a greater risk of additional strokes, heart attack or death than those who never smoked, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke. Those who quit smoking before their stroke also had less risk of poorer outcomes...
  10. T

    Smokers Motivated To Quit Through Team Support For Cessation In The Workplace

    When smoking co-workers in the same team are placed on a cessation program, providing financial incentives to the team collectively in return for success of the smokers in the cessation program helped the smokers to quit smoking and remain abstinent for 12 months, according to data presented at...
  11. T

    Smokers Who Value The Future Are More Likely To Quit

    Addiction researchers have known for many years that smokers are less likely than non-smokers to look to the future in planning their lives. New research has now shown that among smokers, those who have more of a future orientation are more likely to stop smoking. Drs. Heather Brown and Jean...
  12. J

    Do you blame cigarette companies or smokers when it comes to people dying?

    People know cigarettes cause all sorts of disease, but some people just cannot quit because it is so addictive, and companies increase nicotine levels to keep people addicted... If they werent for sale, then people couldnt smoke, right? And hospitals wouldn't be overcrowded with sick smokers...
  13. T

    Alcohol Consumption Decreased In Heavy-Drinking Smokers By Anti-Smoking Drug Varenicl

    The smoking cessation drug varenicline significantly reduced alcohol consumption in a group of heavy-drinking smokers, in a study carried out by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco. "Alcohol abuse is a huge problem, and this...
  14. L

    Any non smokers addicted to nicotine gum?

    I tried nicotine gum, and don't smoke, and liked it - now I can't stop using it - I use it everyday for most of the day, and find it hard to go a day without using it.
  15. M

    LGBT: Any cigarette smokers?

    I'm 2 months into quitting smoking cigarettes. I've noticed that at alot of gay clubs and bars there are alot more smokers than when I go to straight clubs... it's sooo tempting and alot of my friends smoke cigarettes too, but they are my best friends in the whole wide world so I would never...
  16. T

    Extra Help For Smokers Trying To Quit

    A major research trial to test the effectiveness of extra support for smokers calling an NHS quitline - on top of what is already offered by the service - has found the additional help does not improve success rates for quitting the habit. The pilot scheme offered smokers additional help in the...
  17. S

    Honest question to non smokers?

    If cigarettes ONLY market to minors, Why do "Nicotine replacement therapy" require no id and what's more come in fun flavors like "Tropical fruit" or "Cinnamon"?
  18. M

    Tobacco smokers, why do you keep smoking despite of your awareness of

    the dangers involved? Cardiovascular and cancerous diseases are the two top killers in the developed world. Tobacco smoking increases your risks of having either. Don't let me get started on the financial disadvantages. Is it worth it? @Kit Kat Smiley Cat, because to most people, leaving their...
  19. T

    Growing Influence Of Genetic Factors Revealed By Study Of Twin Smokers

    A new study of twins led by the University of Colorado Boulder shows that today's smokers are more strongly influenced by genetic factors than in the past and that the influence makes it more difficult for them to quit. "In the past, when smoking rates were higher, people smoked for a variety of...
  20. C

    Any ex-cigarette smokers have tips for someone wanting to quit smoking?

    I have been smoking for 4 years (started when I was 17, am now 21). I'm sick of smoking. I hate the way it makes me feel. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and have a better chance of living a long life. The reason I started smoking was, as stupid as this sounds, to look cool. My dad is also a...