
  1. K

    Are canker sores always painful?

    I have a very small white colored sore under my tongue near the gum line. It's not painful like a canker normally is. Is the canker sore itself what causes pain or the irritation to it? I'm thinking it's not painful because there is nothing to irritate it. It's only been present for about 2...
  2. M

    Question about sores under nose from blowing nose?

    I have a severe sinus infection, and I am wiping and blowing my nose a few times an hour if not more. I have been using the tissues with aloe vera but I woke up with bright red, little pimp like bumps that are super sore under my nose. All underneath my nose is bright red and painful and I can't...
  3. J

    Whats can i put on my cats sores?

    My cat has gotten bitten by something in my back yard and as he has not got much hair it makes him look so ugly! Usually I would give it a week or so and it would go away but it looks like it is really irritating him. Is there anything i could put on them to help the healing or atleast soothe it...
  4. H

    I have sores in my mouth... and im not sure why or how? Not herpes though. Positive.?

    I am 16, and no way is it possible to be herpes. But anyways I have bump like blisters in my mouth on the roof.. its not a blister but it hurts like one... It isnt really see-able, but I can barely eat.. And i have no idea what the heck would bring it on.. I have one near my throat as well.. Im...
  5. C

    flu like symptoms, fatigue, hair loss, and now mouth sores. please help.?

    for about 2 and a half weeks now ive been feeling like i have the flu. tired, very achy and extremely weak. recently ive also began developing alot of hair loss as well as mouth sores. i have never had a very good immune system but i am usually quite healthy. i am an 18 year old female and i...
  6. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  7. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  8. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  9. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  10. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  11. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  12. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  13. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  14. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  15. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  16. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  17. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  18. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  19. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch
  20. C

    I have red itchy bumps like sores around my penis and the area above my penis is

    swollen? Its not on my penis just around it and they itch