
  1. F

    How can I compose a speech outline for this speech of introduction?

    The formatting doesn't turn out right on Yahoo! Answers ________________________________________________ I was born into a South American cannibalistic tribe called Amajuacas in Ucayali Peru. My parents were Christian missionaries that came to Peru to convert the people to Christianity...
  2. G

    SAG Awards Recap: The King's Speech Conquers!

    There's a new king in town.The King's Speech was recognized for Outstanding Cast in a Motion Picture tonight at the 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Award, a royal coup that sent...
  3. C

    I need a REALLY Interesting, funny Speech Topic.?

    I am in grade 8 and I am doing speeches but I need a really good topic I like to advance on because I have for two years straight but I need some ideas. I want to switch it up because last 2 years I was always serious and I don't really want to do that anymore. It doesn't have to be funny but I...
  4. J

    If someone in English class presented a 7 minute speech and their voice

    was shaking badly, would you laugh? Honestly, '_' And lets just say this person went first and everyone had to do it. I asked because I'm going to most likely be in that situation next Tuesday.
  5. C

    Introduction speech help...?

    I have to write a speech about myself that must be 2-3 minutes long and make it interesting. I thought this would be easy but im having trouble making it sound interesting and grab peoples attention. Can someone help...? My name is Jaylyn Smith and I am 18 years old. I was born in Gulfport...
  6. J

    Text To Speech Software For Mac?

    I am in search for the best text to speech software for MAC. I am looking for a program that sounds as realistic as possible. My thoughts are to stay away from free software, since it will most likely be of lessor quality. I am running OSX 10.6
  7. W

    Can someone help me with my introduction speech? Intersectionality based?

    Can someone help me with my introduction speech? Can someone help me with my introduction speech? I have to give a introduction speech in my class. I am suppose to do it in the context of intentionality, I have never did something like this before to my understanding Intersectionality is (race...
  8. L

    Will President Obama continue his hate speech at the State of the Union address?

    "Bring a gun" "Get in their face" "Send them to the morgue" "They cling to their guns and bibles."
  9. W

    Can someone help me with my introduction speech?

    Can someone help me with my introduction speech? I have to give a introduction speech in my class. I am suppose to do it in the context of intentionality, I have never did something like this before to my understanding Intersectionality is (race, age,ethnicity, and class). Can someone help me...
  10. M

    Funny blonde jokes that I can put in my speech?

    I am running for vice captain in my school and the big speech is coming up. Since I am blonde, I think I could make the audience laugh with a few blonde jokes. If you could give a few blonde jokes and ways I can weave it into my speech that would be great.
  11. B

    Area 51 speech introduction?

    What do you think would be a good introduction to my speech on Area 51? Also why is it called Area 51? Thanks
  12. Lisa

    killer introduction that will grab the audience's attention in persuasive speech?

    my persuasive topic is why you should stop smoking. i need sentences that will grab the audience's attention in the introduction and i need a good conclusion to end the speech. thank you! ^_^
  13. U

    Speech, need a funny and interesting topic i could talk about for 3-5minutes?

    Speech, need a funny and interesting topic i could talk about for 3-5minutes, please :) I was thinking about, either talk about Food or the swine flu vaccine but i do not know, i want some more suggestions and preferable links for research if you guys are kind enough. Thank you
  14. A

    a good free torrent for the king's speech?

    anybody know of one im really struggling
  15. S

    I need a very interesting speech topic? and quick?

    Ok im in Academic decathlon and i need a speech. I need an easy interesting on that's not super hard. Please help me EVERYONE
  16. D

    Really need good interesting speech topics for grade 8?

    I really need some speech topics today for my grade 8 class I'm not allowed to reasearch can't be serious or too boring and I can't do things like family pets animal or celebrities I have to talk about it for around 3 min and I have to memorize it please help
  17. M

    what is an interesting speech topic?

    im a 13 year old girl [grade 8] and need a speech topic i want something new, unique and interesting it doesnt have to be persuasive just interesting :D thanksssss!
  18. A

    What are some interesting demonstrative speech topics?

    I have to give a demonstration speech for my junior year speech class. I want to do something very interesting but I don't have a single idea of what to do?
  19. R

    Speech introduction question...?

    I'm on the speech team at my high school and I'm in the category Extemporaneous reading, where basically, you perform a short story with an intro you wrote yourself. The story I'm working on writing an intro for is "The Father" (By Bjornstjerne Bjornson), a story about a father paying a priest...
  20. C

    Interesting Speech Topics!?

    Speech time is here!!! I have no idea what my speech should be about. I want it to be interesting to the audience, and interesting to me. In the past i have done Fredrick Banting, dreams, and some other stuff. any ideas??