
  1. M

    I'm talking to a depressed, suicidal person via the internet...I don't want

    to sound negative, how do I cope? She is talking about giving it up, cant be bothered living. I was trying to give inpirational things about hope, if you have a dream you can achieve it. I can't think of what to say or do. I don't know them closely.
  2. 1

    Can I help if I have a suicidal friend?

    I first met this friend when I was about 7 years old, she was 8 at the time. She is now 14 and I am 13. She has been living with her grandma since she was 8 months old. Her mom is a terrible person, as much as I hate to say it. She doesn't even know who her dad is, and she also tried to kidnap...
  3. L

    For people who have suicidal thoughts? Do they plan it or what?

    My boyfriend committed suicide on the 7th of Jan. I have experienced every bad emotions a human can experience. On top of all, I feel extremely guilty and angry. I just don't get it. You see, after his death, I found out he suffered from "borderline personality disorder" his first suicide...