
  1. B

    The GNC WellBEing Hot supplement?

    Is it safe to use? Has anyone ever used it, what's your opinion on it. What about the Define one too. Plus what do you think the youngest a person can take dietary supplements?
  2. N

    GNC burn 60 dietary supplement?

    does it work? im 14 and how many should i take for how long?
  3. E

    Has anyone tried the supplement Dreamflex?

    Can you share some info about it
  4. D

    If I supplement correctly with Creatine, will the results wear off over time if

    I stop the use of Creatine? I lift heavy 6 days a week. I would cycle the Creatine like this. Week 1 - 10 grams Week 2 thru 4 - 5 grams Then stop using it. But continue to lift even harder. If I do so, will I loose everything I gained from Creatine? I know I will lose some of my gains, but...
  5. N

    is optimum Nutrition creatine good quality creatine supplement?

    i know that with a bad or poor quality brand of creatine it can actually cause Excessive Water Retention. i was just wondering if this was a good brand or not... thanks in advance.
  6. B

    Does anyone know another supplement identical to Trimspa?

    I started taking Trimspa almost 2 years ago to lose a few pounds. It turned out to be a miracle for me in other ways. I have had almost daily migraine headaches since 2003. And, I have chronic fatigue. Trimspa is the very first med in years that ever prevented or got rid of my headaches...
  7. S

    Which supplement is best for fighters? which do you think is the best for muay thai/boxing or mma? Any other supplements that are good would be appreciated thanks.
  8. D

    which is better supplement?

    No-xplode or No Shotgun which 1 should i take
  9. T

    Help With Weight Gain Supplement?

    i bought a 6 pound bucket of GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 2200 Gold and it says to take 3 rounded scoops and put it in 24 ounces of milk twice a day and each scoops is 600 some odd calories..anyway i just think 6 massive scoops is fuckin ridiculous, would it be just as effective to just use...
  10. M

    How do you tell the credible nutritional supplement ads from the phony ones?

    We hear all the time on the radio about these 'revolutionary' supplements that you absolutely MUST consume in order to be healthy. My question is: how do you tell the genuinely good supplements from the snake oil?
  11. F

    Are you looking for a food supplement that will boost your immune system?

    e-mail me at [email protected]
  12. F

    Are you looking for a food supplement that will boost your immune system?

    e-mail me at [email protected]
  13. M

    Tip of the day: Taking a supplement? Tell your doctor

    Tip of the day: Taking a supplement? Tell your doctor Herbal remedies can interact dangerously with medications. For example, did you know green tea may change the effects of certain antiplatelet drugs? Green tea can slow blood clotting, so drinking green tea along with drugs that can...
  14. S

    good supplement for a 16 yr old who trains MMA and works out a whole lot?

    my kid is 16 years old, hes 5 foot 6 and weighs 121 pounds. im looking for some kind of supplement/protein powder stuff that would be good for him. i heard NO XPLODE is good but i dont know if its meant for a 16 yr old whos still growing.
  15. S

    How do you prepare Geria Gold nutrition supplement?

    I bought it but I lost the box. What are the preparation instructions?
  16. A

    has anyone tried the dietary supplement Ultra90?

    i was just wondering if anyone has tried Ultra90 and if so, does it really work? is it worth the money? i need to loose about 30-40 pounds, but i don't want to waste my money. the stuff is kinda expensive, so any info anyone might have would be appreciated.
  17. J

    Which protein source should I get in a supplement?

    I have recently decided to attempt to put on some weight/muscle mass, but I'm not sure what type of protein source I should use. I'm 17 yrs old, 6' 1" and 150 pounds. Aside from eating more and beginning a rigorous exercise routine, I'd like to start using a protein supplement. I've looked up...