PDFelement coverts scanned PDF, protected PDF and other PDF files to Texts so that you can edit, copy and print it easily. All the layout and the content are preserved as original.
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With PDF element, you can do more:
Edit - Alter text and change fonts as you do in Microsoft Suite...
PDFelement can help you edit PDF text and images easily. You can also markup PDF content with highlight, underline and strikethrough. Moreover, it’s also available to add annotations like sticky notes, text, links, bookmarks, drawings, etc.
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With PDF element, you can do more:
The available OCR plug-in can recognize text which you can edit, copy and search from scanned PDF. With PDF Editor Pro for Mac, you can edit scanned PDF documents directly such as add annotation, mark up with drawing, add text and images, etc.
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PDF Converter helps you to convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EPUB, HTML, Plain Text, RTF and images. In this way, you can edit/print/copy the content from scanned PDF. Moreover, you can create secure PDF from any file as you like.
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After I set up my vacation response information and I sent a copy to myself. I received at txt. attachment file. Huh, that's not right. How can I fix this??
My Problem is that I cannot see my sent or outgoing SMS txt msgs. But I can still send out txt messages out to people as well as emails(I can see my sent/recieved emails), I just can't see my recieved/sent txt messages so please help because it is recieving and sending out txt msgs i just can't...
Hi All,
I dont know how to add alt text. dont even know that it has been added already or not. Please let me know
<a href="website.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Tiled-Roofing-Re-Bed-and-Re-Point.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-707" title="Tiled Roofing Re-Bed and Re Point"...
My fone screen lights up when I get a text message and I hate it...I cannot find an option to turn it off...Does anyone know were I'm supposed to find that option
And I'm not talking about the Flashing light at The top..I'm talking about the entire screen coming on
I was texting my friend and she sent me an audio thingy and I want it as my ringtone. When I click on it, it goes to a screen where it plays and it has a Q in the middle. When I click on the "Share" arrow in the top right corner, the only place it will let me share is in mail. Please help!
message? I just wanted to know if there is any app for android phones to detect whether the other person has read the text message or not. Lol! My ideology is, whenever i send a text message to my friends on phone, they wont reply me, and later they will tell that they hadn't seen the message...
I have a smart phone with StraightTalk service and do not have service at my house (I live in a valley and get absolutely no service and I previously had a iPhone with Verizon). I am an iOS enthusiast I'll admit but i got this phone to get used to Android. I don't quite understand it all yet but...
I've had my galaxy ace plus since December and have recently been receiving mixed or jumbled text messages from my boyfriend. He simply sends a message to me, but i would actually only receive the first half of the message, &it attaches another part of a message that has been sent months ago! It...
Tablet? I'm looking for a service-that's free, where I can port my existing cell phone number to the app so I can text from my Nexus 7 as well as my phone, that way, if I don't have too, I can just take my Nexus 7 to places instead of my phone and my Nexus, yes I do realize I need an active...