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    Tiny ocean plants use turbulence for travel to social gatherings

    Tiny ocean plants, or phytoplankton, were long thought to be passive drifters in the sea — unable to defy even the weakest currents, or travel by their own volition. In recent decades, research has shown that many species of these unicellular microorganisms can swim, and do so to optimize light...
  2. T

    Hope For Emphysema Patients Offered By Tiny, Implantable Coil

    A small, easily implantable device called the Lung Volume Reduction Coil (LVRC) may play a key role in the treatment of two types of emphysema, according to a study conducted in Europe. Results of the study indicate the beneficial effects of the device persist more than a year after initial...
  3. S

    Are there any games like Tiny Chao Garden on Android?

    I loved tiny chao garden and i would love it if there was something like it on android.
  4. A

    Golden Age Hollywood Actresses Were Tiny, Curvy And Facing Just As Much Body Pressure

    There's an idea that Hollywood actresses of the 1920s and 1930s had an easier go of than today's starlets in terms of body snark and pressure. But this 1931 article from Photoplay magazine*shows that while beauty standards may have been different back then, they sure as hell weren't any less...
  5. E

    How do I get free diamonds in the game tiny monsters on the android phone?

    I have tried everything as far as downloading software to taking a thousand dumb surveys tuT don't work. I just want to move my progress in the game a bit faster. Please help!
  6. S

    What do you look like (a tiny survey)?

    1.what do your eyes look like(color and shape)? 2.what color is your hair and how long is it? 3.do you have thin lips or full lips or medium? 4.what is the shape of your face(oval,round,square,heart)? 5.what is your height(in feet)? 6.what does your voice sound like? (can do vocaroo if you like...
  7. T

    Study Of Tiny Roundworms Provides Clue To Observed Human Health Benefits From Omega F

    A search for genes that change their levels of expression in response to nutrient deprivation has uncovered potential clues to the mechanism underlying the health benefits of omega fatty acids. In the journal Genes & Development, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers describe finding...
  8. A

    How do you install tar.gz files in Tiny Core Linux?

    I am an experienced linux user and i know how to install tar.gz in other linux distributions such as ubuntu. I want to install some software that is in tar.gz format on tiny core, but I cant find a guide online. All I found is how to make extensions on tiny core wiki, but I just want to install...
  9. G

    Soothe Your Achey Joints by Sticking Each Limb Into Its Own Tiny, Electrified Bathtub

    What looks like some horrific, early 20th century polygraph test come torture chamber was, in fact, a gentle medical solution to a common, achey problem. More »
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    HP's Tiny Pocket Playlist Records Hulu or Netflix Video Then Shares It via Wi-Fi

    This sleek, simple HP pebble is more powerful than it looks. The Pocket Playlist is a portable storage device which can store and record media from a host of sources, then stream it to five devices over Wi-Fi, no internet connection required. More »
  11. C

    Can I bring tiny mini lamp on cruise?

    First cruise. Heard only one plug in, bring extension cord and nite lite. I'm kinda nervous bout living on boat for week I want cabin looking homey. I wanna bring little Tini sensor lamp it uses little nite lite bulb? Will they let me bring this? I know you can't have irons and such. Can you...
  12. A

    Tiny yellow gelly-like globs in my semen?

    I masturbated lady night after a week of holding my self off from it ave I shot really far because I was extremely horny after not masturbating for a week. Then when I went to wash myself off I found little yellowish globs that were jelly like (not runny like semen). What is this? I've never...
  13. G

    This Tiny Camera Puts Photography Literally In the Palm of Your Hand [Cameras]

    Size matters, and in this case, the goal is tiny. The new Diana Baby 110, a descendant from a line of already small cameras, is the tiniest yet. It'll fit just nicely in the palm of your hands. Also it takes pictures. More »
  14. A

    Spurs beat New York Red Bulls, win giant medals and tiny trophy

    Spurs beat the New York Red Bulls 2-1 in a friendly dubbed the Barclays New York Cup (probably by an intern). For pulling off what is easily the greatest sporting accomplishment anywhere in the world this week, Spurs were awarded medals the size of dinner plates while goal-scorer Gareth Bale was...
  15. T

    Liver Cancer Could Be Due To Absence Of Tiny Molecule

    The absence of a tiny, abundant liver-specific microRNA (miRNA) molecule may lead to liver cancer, say researchers who tested the idea in mice and write about their findings in a paper published online this week in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. They suggest their findings show it may...
  16. G

    Take a Trippy Google Maps Road Trip Around This Tiny World [Video]

    Looking to get away this Summer but your budget won't take you farther than a couple of blocks from your apartment? Just do what artist 'A Ghost Train' did with their music video for Chemin Vert and let Google Maps take you on a mind-warping trip around the world. More »
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    Tiny Wireless Device Powers Itself Through Bloodstream

    Engineers at Stanford University have demonstrated how a tiny, externally controlled, wirelessly-powered medical device, is able to propel itself through blood, in a manner reminiscent of the 1966 film Fantastic Voyage, where a microscopic submarine and scientific crew are injected into the...
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    We have tiny libraries

    ... in the Twin Cities. Free Libraries Hit Minneapolis Lawns: MyFoxTWINCITIES.com Hat Tip: Alyson Foster Read the comments on this post...
  19. G

    Recharge your phone with tiny turbines attached to your mouth?

    I'm not recommending this. In fact, I may recommend against it. But I thought you should know: Read the comments on this post...
  20. M

    Gimme Pi: Why I want a tiny computer that doesn't do anything

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