
  1. T

    Jesus is Torah Training! Parashah 50 - blessings, curses - Oct 02,2012

    Deuteronomy 28 is one of the most important chapters in the entire bible as it lays out YHWHs plan for living either a blessed life or one full of misery and curses. Its your choice to either follow His precribed laws or not. Either way, there are consequences - good ones or bad ones - for your...
  2. S

    jewish? according judaism who wrote the first five books or the torah?

    many told me God but I am not sure, how did Mose wrote the words from God about the creation when he was in the desert? I learned ezra or someone at that time during the exile of babylon the torah was written but never during the 40 years of the israelites in the desert?
  3. S

    jewish? according judaism who wrote the first five books or the torah?

    many told me God but I am not sure, how did Mose wrote the words from God about the creation when he was in the desert? I learned ezra or someone at that time during the exile of babylon the torah was written but never during the 40 years of the israelites in the desert?
  4. M

    JEWS, JUDAISM - A question about the transmission of The Torah -?

    Where do the priests factor in? - The following I understand> God gave the Torah to Moses, Moses gave the Torah to Joshua, Joshua gave the Torah to the elders. The elders gave the Torah to the Prophets, The Prophets gave the Torah to the Men of the Great Assembly, The Men of the Great Assembly...
  5. F

    What exactly is the Oral Torah in Judaism?

    Is it all contained in a portion of the Talmud? What other sources do Jews rely upon?
  6. S

    What aspect of the Torah intrigues you most?

    I am seeking wisdom, many thanks.
  7. E

    Jews, if I went through the Torah and used it to debunk Orthodox Judaism like...

    ...most atheists here do with..? the New Testament and Christianity, then how quickly would Godwin's Law come into effect? ""Debunking" Orthodox Judaism doesn't have anything to do with Nazis or Hitler." Godwin's Law doesn't relate to anything that has a legitimate connection to the Nazis or...
  8. M

    Since Jesus claims to be a Rabbi of the torah, would it make sense to go...

    ...directly to Judaism? rather than going through Christianity first? Even though I am not especially enlightened, I do all biblical interpretations independently because somehow the Lord keeps giving me signs that he doesn't want me to convert or start following other teachers... even if they...
  9. L

    Should I become Jewish, or practice the Torah without identifying myself as a Jew?

    I am a 25 year old Chinese female who does not know how to speak Hebrew. I have been studying the bible for 11 years and am trying to understand every single verse in scripture. I spend about 2-3 hours each day analyzing the scriptures, and 1 hour a week actually reading it. I live by the...
  10. T

    Are these rabbi right when they confess 'racism originated in the Torah

    (the most sacred writings in Judaism)'? Haartez (Israeli newspaper) December 7, 2010 Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'racism originated in the Torah' "Racism originated in the Torah," said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. "The land of Israel is...
  11. T

    Are these rabbi right when they confess 'racism originated in the Torah

    (the most sacred writings in Judaism)'? Haartez (Israeli newspaper) December 7, 2010 Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'racism originated in the Torah' "Racism originated in the Torah," said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. "The land of Israel is...
  12. F

    Bar/Bat Mitzvah, how many Torah verses are read?

    How many verses does a child typically read for the bar/bat mitzvah? I am tutoring for 2 bat mitzvahs for the very first time. I am fluent in Hebrew and know trope. However, these parents do not belong to a synagogue and I am to decide everything for them. It's a daunting task as I've never done...
  13. S

    Judaism: Is the world we live in deterministic according to Torah?

    Which is true: A. Keeping/violating commandments automatically results in strictly predefined consequences due to the built-in laws which the Creator gave to the world so His intervention is redundant; B. Keeping/violating commandments is treated personally by God (or Angels in charge) and an...
  14. S

    Judaism: Is the world we live in deterministic according to Torah?

    Which is true: A. Keeping/violating commandments automatically results in strictly predefined consequences due to the built-in laws which the Creator gave to the world so His intervention is redundant; B. Keeping/violating commandments is treated personally by God (or Angels in charge) and an...
  15. E

    what does the torah and/ or your sect of judaism say about?

    the afterlife of the followers and/ or non-followers thereof ? what about mankind's beginnings , evolution or creation or something else ?
  16. K

    Is it true that the holiest books of judaism like torah and talmud preach...

    ...cheating and killing of now-jews? No other religious book in the world talks anything apart from being righteous, i think even the Koran does not preach anything about cheating or killing. all religious books, Bible, Koran, Bhagvad Gita etc preach goodness and righteousness even though every...
  17. 6

    How come Jesus followed the Torah but Christians don't?

    What kind of a loopy faith is this? John D......Christians don't even believe in the Torah. Have you read it yet?
  18. 6

    How come Jesus followed the Torah but Christians don't?

    What kind of a loopy faith is this? John D......Christians don't even believe in the Torah. Have you read it yet?
  19. T

    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
  20. T

    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?