
  1. T

    Lung transplant patients may fare better with larger organs - using a predicted total

    A higher predicted total lung capacity ratio, suggestive of oversized donor lungs, is associated with improved survival following lung transplantation, primarily among patients who undergo double-lung (bilateral) transplants, according to a new study in the August 2013 issue of The Annals of...
  2. E

    GNC Total Lean Trim Trim side effects?

    I bought this yesterday and was thinking about the side effects. Its supposed to suppress my appetite as what the salesman says but I'm not feeling it yet. I have searched the internet for reviews but found none. Anybody who used this product? Is it effective?
  3. L

    Total Price out the door of a Fiat 500 pop?

    Anyone on this site have recently bought a Fiat 500? Can you please tell me how much you paid for it, license and registration included or how much i can expect to pay ( i live in southern California )
  4. T

    Endurance Of Total Knee Replacements In Younger Patients With Juvenile Arthritis

    When you think of knee replacement surgery, you generally envision an older adult with painful arthritis. But the procedure is also used for younger patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) whose joints have been severely damaged by the disease. Because the surgery in younger patients...
  5. Lovely

    Would you please rate this writing (total) on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being

    high) and tell me why? *** Disclaimer*** some people may find this a little scary. His greasy hands reached through the darkness, strait for my throat. I could see his ice blue eyes looking directly into my soul and his upturn mouth that stretched across his teeth in some horrible mockery of a...
  6. J

    What is the total damage from smoking a cigarette 2 years ago?

    About two years ago I was regularly hanging out with two friends that are heavy smokers. Two separate occasions, I took a few drags off of a cigarette while at a cookout and a birthday party. I never actually smoked an entire cigarette, and I NEVER smoked on a regular basis. Around that time...
  7. G

    Watch This Crazy Robot Band Rock Out Like Total Machines

    When you think of robot rock, your mind probably drifts to something like dubstep, but this robot band rocks out in a far more traditional sense. This is Compressorhead at practice, jamming out to Ace of Spades. They'll be playing at Big Day Out 2013, but before then they've got to practice...
  8. M

    to anyone who already experienced Total Recall on blueray?

    the back of the blueray says there's all these featurettes and when I put the disk in, all I see is "previews", one commentary feature, and another featurette that doesn't contain the others mentioned at the back of the blueray box. I rented it and I don't know what's going on. Does everybody...
  9. D

    how many total number of devil fruit users are there in one piece?

    only devil fruit users... if u find it difficult then u can tell me total number of characters
  10. C

    need help . how to cook chicken ? total newbie here . pls help?

    so , im a college student ( soon to be one) and i need cooking help. i know how to cook , like seeing recipe and cooking but theres some part i dont get it ( in cooking) well 1st is , COOKING SPRAY , can i put olive oil inside a spray bottle ? is that same as cooking spray. the thing is , im...
  11. T

    Being a TOTAL BOEHNER! - Dec 08,2012

    December 7, 2012, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. This week the Sack Heads pay tribute to our brave men and women who sacrificed their lives at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, when the Empire of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, and other military bases on the island of...
  12. R

    if i buy an apple iphone 4 from 0$ with contract how much total i have to pay?

    if i buy an apple iphone 4 from the apple store, which says 0$ but i don't understand how much would it cost??! i mean if i buy it with locked contract can i just cancel contract and keep my phone with me? i will just cancel it after 30 days.. then actually i wanted the cost for this... help me...
  13. G

    Total Recall 2012 (Two Discs: Blu-ray & 3 Discs blue ray versions difference ?

    whats the difference between total Total Recall blue ray Two Discs: version and the total recall 3 disc Blu-ray versons
  14. S

    How to work out total bond interest expense?

    Brace Ltd issued five-year debentures (bonds) with a face value of $1 million and a contract rate of interest of 10% per annum. The amount received from the issue was $926,405, ensuring an effective rate of interest of 12% per annum. Interest is payable semi-annually on 30 September and 31...
  15. G

    What are some games like Shogun 2 Total War except the game takes place during

    WW2 or after? I want to play a game that's similar to Shogun 2 but with the present guns. It doesn't have to be exact though.
  16. V

    Pictures: Total Recall Three Boobs

    Growing up, I loved the movie Total Recall. Not only for the action — but, more importantly, for the chick with three boobs. While the movie was memorable, it’s probably remembered most for the Total Recall three boobs hooker. When you first see the movie, that’s literally a breathtaking moment...
  17. S

    Total newbie question about tablets processing power?

    Do tablets like the Samsung Galaxy and Kindle Fire have enough processing power to run online games like World Of Warcraft and City Of Heroes?
  18. A

    Little Big Weights: Lifting Light Weights Isn’t A Total Waste Of Time, Says Research

    Most of today's top trainers will tell you that lifting light weights to slim down isn't a grand plan, despite fears of "bulking up" from heavy lifting. But a new study says that, on the flip side, adults who are intimidated by heavy weights shouldn't despair: Lifting little weights can still...
  19. S

    Starting my GNC total lean shake diet tmrw, any tips?

    Trying to lose a few lbs but having extreme difficulties controlling my calorie intake. I exercise regularly but I just eat it all back. Technically I haven't gained anything but the last 10 lbs I've been trying to lose from the past 2 years has been unsuccessful. Anyway, heard about GNC total...
  20. A

    I bought napoleon total war but it does not open but the dvd writer is working fine?

    it doesnt open