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    Current Blood Transfusion Practice In Trauma Centres Feasible But Wastes Scarce Plasm

    The use of a 1:1:1 blood transfusion protocol in patients with severe trauma is feasible in hospitals, although it is associated with higher waste of plasma, according to a randomized trial published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Previous retrospective studies suggested that a...
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    Gender Differences In Access To Trauma Centers

    Women are less likely than men to receive care in a trauma center after severe injury, according to a new study of almost 100,000 Canadian patients. "Gender-based disparities in access to healthcare services in general have been recognized for some time and evidence is emerging that these...
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    Early Childhood Trauma Takes Visible Toll On Brain

    Trauma in infancy and childhood shapes the brain, learning, and behavior, and fuels changes that can last a lifetime, according to new human and animal research just released. The studies delve into the effects of early physical abuse, socioeconomic status (SES), and maternal treatment...
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    Hypothermia In Trauma Victims Increases Mortality Risk

    Hypothermia in trauma victims is a serious complication and is associated with an increased risk of dying. A new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Critical Care has found that the key risk factor was severity of injury. However, environmental conditions and medical care...
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    Childhood Trauma Linked To Schizophrenia

    Researchers at the University of Liverpool have found that children who have experienced severe trauma are three times as likely to develop schizophrenia in later life. The findings shed new light on the debate about the importance of genetic and environmental triggers of psychotic disorders...
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    'Shock Trauma' To Help Train University Of Maryland Dental Students, Residents

    The University of Maryland's School of Dentistry has teamed up with the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center for training future dentists to respond efficiently and effectively to life-threatening medical emergencies in a dental setting. Medical training is a growing trend...
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    Emergency Room Trauma Question?

    I'm writing a novel, and there will be a short scene in an emergency room where the main character's brother is in a motorcycle accident with serious but not fatal injuries. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the process is after someone is brought into a trauma area. I don't really...
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    Coroner: Dan Wheldon died of blunt force head trauma

    An autopsy on Monday has determined that Dan Wheldon died of blunt force trauma to the head. From the AP: The 33-year-old Wheldon was pronounced dead at 1:54 p.m. Sunday at University Medical Center in Las Vegas, where he was flown by medical helicopter after the crash at the track about 19...
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    Following Head Trauma, White Children Far More Likely To Receive CT Scans Than Hispan

    White children are far more likely to receive cranial computed tomography (CT) scans in an emergency department following minor head trauma than are African-American or Hispanic children, a study by researchers at UC Davis has found. The study findings do not indicate that CT scans are underused...
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    Time Trauma Truth and Other Matters

    First of all, I want you to know that I've devoted my life to this blog post so now you have every reason to love it more than any other blog post. Sniff sniff. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
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    Trauma Victims And Loyola Staff Who Cared For Them To Celebrate Recovery

    Trauma is the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. It creates a substantial burden in lost productivity, increased disabilities and the consumption of health-care resources. Each year, hundreds of adults and pediatric patients receive...
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    New Website To Help Combat Trauma Of Natural Disasters

    Lessons learned from natural disasters, including the Black Saturday bushfires, Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, have helped shape a new web portal aimed at combating the psychological effects of large-scale emergencies, which will be launched this evening in Sydney by the Hon Mark Butler...
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    Teams To Study Brain Injuries, Trauma Care Outside Urban Centers

    When the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) announced its latest awards for injury research, only five teams were on the list and two of them were headed by doctors at St. Michael's Hospital. Neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Cusimano will lead a team studying traumatic brain injuries (TBI)...
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    Physicians Study Beta-Natriuretic Peptide In Pediatric Trauma

    Investigators at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles have found that unlike adults, levels of serum beta-natriuretic peptide (BNP) do not increase in pediatric trauma patients with serious head injuries. Serum BNP is a hormone produced by the heart. Blood levels of BNP rise as the heart is required...
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    SWHR President Testifies At Military Sexual Trauma Hearing

    Among a panel of experts testifying before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR) President and CEO Phyllis Greenberger, MSW, urged Congress to consider the risks and ramifications of military sexual trauma (MST). The hearing...
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    Trauma Team USA WII-PROMiNENT

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.61 GB Files: 102 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon May 17th 02:28:41 UTC Download NZB
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    Trauma Patients Could Be Helped By Canadian C-Spine Rule

    Widespread use of the Canadian C-spine rule by triage nurses in emergency departments would ease discomfort of trauma patients and improve patient flow in overcrowded emergency departments in Canada and abroad, according to a study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). A clinical...
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    Trauma Symptoms Determined By Children's Sense Of Threat From Parental Fighting

    If children feel threatened by even very low levels of violence between their parents, they may be at increased risk for developing trauma symptoms, new research suggests. A study by psychologists at Southern Methodist University in Dallas found that children who witness violence between their...
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    Trauma Symptoms Determined By Children's Sense Of Threat From Parental Fighting

    If children feel threatened by even very low levels of violence between their parents, they may be at increased risk for developing trauma symptoms, new research suggests. A study by psychologists at Southern Methodist University in Dallas found that children who witness violence between their...
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    New Acute Trauma Research, UK

    Up to £10 million of funding to research the affects of acute trauma, particularly for military personnel was announced today by Health Minister Mike O'Brien. The investment forms part of the Department of Health's ongoing commitment to provide care to service veterans and builds on investment...