
  1. T

    Why does it only have violence in the rating info for gta 4 on xbox marketplace?

    Is it an edited version or just wrong?
  2. K

    Do you think Americans have developed an immunity towards Gang violence and

    high crime rate? I think they have. American cities are far far more violent than any in Europe, Canada, Australia or Japan.
  3. A

    Is Violence The Punchline Of This Chris Brown & Rihanna Onion Piece? A Reading Compre

    Is Violence The Punchline Of This Chris Brown & Rihanna Onion Piece? A Reading Compre Is The Onion racist and misogynist? Do feminists hate humor? What is satire? ... Sigh. This conversation is happening again, spurred by an Onion piece yesterday in which Chris Brown fantasizes about beating...
  4. W

    Why are domestic violence rates so high in lesbian couples? If men are the only abusers ? I'm rather confused because obviously women can only be victims of domestic violence and never the abusers.. Blaise - I object the portrayal of men as abusers - and the assumption that men are guilty until...
  5. M

    If you live in Chicago, can you take time to take my survey about gang violence?

    Here's the link: Thank you in advance.
  6. A

    Obama Signs Updated Violence Against Women Act, With Added Support For Native America

    After a*battle in Congress over reauthorization, the updated Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama this afternoon. Originally passed in 1994, VAWA helps fund programs aimed at preventing and prosecuting sex crimes against women and intimate partner...
  7. T

    Research Analyses Effects Of Gender Violence In The Psychological Development Of Wome

    A PhD thesis recently defended at the University of Deusto studied the effects of gender violence on the psychological development of women. Carmina Serrano Hernández, who has just received her PhD, is the author of this investigation the aim of which was to understand the phenomenon of gender...
  8. A

    Sandy Hook: The Link (Or Lack Thereof) Between Asperger’s Syndrome And Violence

    When dozens of people die in a seemingly random act of violence, we all need somebody or something to point fingers towards in order to make sense of it all. Many of those things being pointed at are completely valid; for example, gun control is important to think about as a contributor to...
  9. T

    Violence Recreated In The Most Popular TV Series Among Youngsters In Spain

    Published in the Comunicacion journal, a study conducted by the University of Seville analyses violence content in Spanish TV series. It concludes that Telecinco's Sin tetas no hay paraÃ*so is the most violent of the five studied. Despite the fact that other series have more scenes or minutes of...
  10. T

    Child Mental Health Affected By Collective Violence And Poverty On The Mexican-US Bor

    Collective violence attributed to organized crime and poverty are adversely affecting the mental health of children living near the Texas-Mexico border, according to a poster presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. In the study...
  11. T

    GANG VIOLENCE: Destruction of the Black and Hispanic Race - Sep 27,2012

    Gangs have been in existence every since the rise of humanity. Gangs have always provided a way for people to more effectively get what they want, especially if it comes to force. Hispanics, Asians and African Americans began banding together to form gangs in the 1950s and 1960s. By the 1970s...
  12. G

    Best and Worst of the 2012 Primetime Emmy Awards: Modern Family, Violence, Nudity!

    Modern Family once again is the show to beat this year, so did it trounce the competition? And with all the dramz of HBO's Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire and more,...
  13. G

    Mug Shot of the Day: Chad Ochocinco Arrested for Domestic Violence

    Chad Johnson, aka Chad Ochocinco, was arrested Saturday evening for domestic violence according to Davie, Fla., Police Department Capt. Dale Engle and the South Florida Sun...
  14. T

    Counseling Program Found To Reduce Youth Violence, Improve School Engagement

    A new study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab, in partnership with the Chicago Public Schools and local nonprofits Youth Guidance and World Sport Chicago, provides rigorous scientific evidence that a violence reduction program succeeded in creating a sizable decline in violent crime arrests...
  15. A

    Lauren Luke’s Domestic Violence Cover-Up Tutorial: More Shocking Than Rihanna and Chr

    Famed beauty blogger Lauren Luke*posted*a makeup tutorial on how to cover up bruises caused by domestic violence on YouTube. It's disturbing, but *is actually a subversive (and genius) PSA calling for abused women to stand up against their partners. This is one of the best PSA's we've seen all...
  16. H

    Survey: Do you think violence in entertainment, such as TV shows, video games, and

    movies is harmful? I have to take a survey for class to compare if there are differences between men and women's opinion on violence in entertainment. If you could say your gender and yes or no I'd really appreciate it. Thanks :)
  17. G

    Lane Garrison Arrested on Suspicion of Domestic Violence

    If Lane Garrison hoped to escape his troubles with the law, this doesn't bode well. E! News confirms the former Prison Break star was collared on Sunday at his Beverly Hills...
  18. I

    my boyfriends violence and supposedly psychic predictions are terrifying me-I'm

    honestly not a troll? I know I need to leave him at some point,that is not what I'm asking,I just wonder what your opinion is on the weird stuff that's been happening please read the whole thing :-) ok,so I met him just over a year ago,he was really nice at first but really stressed me out...
  19. T

    A friend of mine argued that anarchy and violence go hand in hand?

    Do you agree with this?
  20. T

    Why do some religons have justifiable violence in them? or Religions that

    justify their own violence.? Killing innocnet people is killing. I don't even watch Horror or violent movies...... Why be part of a religion that has it?