
  1. S

    Movies- Expressions Of Life In Vivid Colors

    Since childhood we all see the images of grandeur and luxury on the silver screen with great interest. These images are of vivid characters and placid destinations that are close to life. They feature characters that seem to be an extension of our personalities and the situations whose lives...
  2. J

    Vivid dream of someone who isn't here anymore?

    A father figure... Mark, committed suicide. It was a while ago, when I was 10-ish. I'm now 17 and not a day goes by when I don't think about him. I've had dreams before, where I've felt arms around me, holding me tight. Just a few minutes ago, I was asleep, dreaming about him. I dreamt a girl...
  3. S

    Cause for extremely vivid nightmares?

    Lately, as of the last few weeks, I've been having extremely vivid dreams. I've never had dreams which I could remember almost every detail to the dream, and it seems to be more of a story rather than a cluster of different dreams. These also happen to be particularly horrifying dreams, usually...
  4. J

    Very weird dream...extremely weird dream, very vivid, many details.?

    Ok, so a few weeks ago I had this dream... I had just started college, and I was walking through the lunchroom. There were many people milling about, and most of the girls breasts were bare. A certain group caught my eye. There was a girl, a few guys, an older girl, and a older guy, who...
  5. O

    Aldi Vivid V107 Bluetooth handsfree unit into pairing mode?

    I have a new mobile phone, and I have lost the instructions on my Aldi Vivid V107 bluetooth handsfree unit. Can anyone help with the instructions on how to put the unit into pairing mode?
  6. D

    Why do my dreams become more vivid after I've had my hair cut?

    May seem strange but when Ive not had a haircut for months, I don't seem to have any dreams or ones that I don't remember. However when I do have my haircut short, I regularly have some vivid, weird dreams that are remembered. Anyone know why, thats if there is a reason?
  7. C

    Whu do I keep having vivid dreams?

    I keep having these vivid dreams. Its almost like there real. When I wake up I remember them like they are real memories. There not really like nightmares but really intense. Anyone have any idea why?
  8. G

    Very Vivid Dream Can Someone Explain It To Me?

    There were buildings built into the mountains a big shinning orange to purple building. All this in a grass field. And leading further down the city road a Huge Mosque you could see from Miles away I dont know why i dreamt about a mosque im not muslim, BUT what does this dream mean?
  9. L

    What does this vivid dream mean?

    Normally, I don't think dreams mean much, but given the vivid nature of this in terms of detail, emotion, etc. I think there might be something. Anyway, here it is. I inform a princess that the sacred pool is on fire. We rush to it to put it out. However, we can't even get in. The fire is so...
  10. S

    Extremely vivid dream! Very bizzare!?

    I had a dream last night that was really strange. In the dream I was on a trip (I think I was with my family), and as far as I can tell, we were in a tropical country, like Cuba, DR, Mexico... ?? I know the local language was Spanish (and I do not speak Spanish). Anyway, it seemed like we...
  11. Q

    vivid dream...................?

    Recently I met a person who went to my school many years ago. I knew of him but he did not know of me. We hit it off immediately, we have undeniable chemistry. However we are both in committed relationships and would do nothing to jeopardize our families. The other night I had a dream but...
  12. J

    i often have some vivid interesting dreams. but there is one that stands out alot.?

    I find I have dreams where I am running on all fours as if I am an animal. I can run incredibly fast, sometimes Ill start several blocks away from where i live, and I run to my apartment into my home then i stand up on both my feet and walk in. i feel a sense of freedom, and joy from running on...
  13. F

    Extreamly vivid dreams "day-sha-voo" later in life?

    I have had dreams in my early life, and i am now on recently noticing Day-sha-voo seeing my vivid dreams, such as a place, person, car, or even a whole event in one or two cases, i totally forgot about the dreams until they happened and i have had some more vivid dreams, is it possible that...
  14. M

    What does my dream mean, I'm curious because it was so vivid and I still remember... very clearly? Last week I had a dream where I was in a field with another woman picking tomatoes by hand. I'm 18. I did not know her but she felt familiar like a close aunt. I did get the feeling of her being older than me but not elderly or even middle-aged, late 20s or early 30s. She...
  15. M

    When I say I'm vivid dreams; I mean I'm having VIVID!!?

    Hiya ladies, I hope you're all well ? I've not been on here as mush over the past couple of weeks due to school hols and running around like a headless chicken as my kitchen resembles something currently out of a builders merchant..................... Anyway, back to what I want to...
  16. M

    When I say I'm vivid dreams; I mean I'm having VIVID!!?

    Hiya ladies, I hope you're all well ? I've not been on here as mush over the past couple of weeks due to school hols and running around like a headless chicken as my kitchen resembles something currently out of a builders merchant..................... Anyway, back to what I want to...
  17. B

    R&S meets Vivid. Calling all regulars?

    If you had to give the person above you a p0rn star name, what would it be?
  18. T

    Can mold cause vivid dreams?

    For the past month, I have been having vivid dreams, stomach pain, and fatigue. I go to work at four in the morning so I completely blocked out my windows so I could sleep. I removed them this morning and found mold less than two feet from where my head is when I sleep. There was green, white...