
  1. A

    DT Exclusive: Chelsea decide their own wicked punishment for John Terry

    Chelsea captain John Terry has apologized and decided not to appeal the four match ban and £220,000 fine for being found guilty of racially abusing QPR's Anton Ferdinand in the FA's inquiry following the not guilty verdict of his criminal trial for the same offense. Chelsea, meanwhile, announced...
  2. J

    Have you read the Wicked Lovely series?

    If so, what are your thoughts on it? Would you recommend it? Does it get dark, or is it just a girly story?
  3. T

    Is there any way to get a professionally shot DVD of Wicked the musical with

    Idina Menzel? I recently started listening to the soundtrack of Wicked and fell in love with it. I knew that Wicked had been out for a really long time, so I knew that seeing Idina Menzel and the rest of the original cast would be impossible. However, I am still dying to watch it, and if I could...
  4. H

    Christians jesus said he will end all of the wicked people and thor...

    ...promised to get rid of ice giants? I see wicked people but no ice giants...... REPENT! Chistians REPENT!!!
  5. E

    What is the book the musical "Wicked" is based on, called?

    I really want to read it but sometimes the books are called different things than movies/musicals are called, e.g. "The Accidental Millionaires" - " The Social Network" etc. So what's the book called? Or is it just called Wicked?
  6. M

    Does Wicked on tour still have the gears on the sides of the stage?

    In the on tour musical Wicked, does the stage still have all the gears and stuff on the sides and around the top and the gears sricking out of the stage?
  7. D

    POLL: Guy offers to hook up your car's wicked stereo system.....?

    Does he : A) want money B) want to impress you for sex C) want bragging rights to working on the coolest car in town (A classic white hearse known as Lady Death)
  8. W

    Wicked Lovely-Melissa Marr series question..?

    Could I read Darkest Mercy without having read radiant shadows? Iveread Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange and Fragile Eternity. I dontwant to read Radiant shadows because it just seems unfamiliar and i just like the plot on Aislinn, Keenan and Seth. Could I skip radiant shadows and just read Darkest...
  9. K

    Are there any sites that sell wicked cute pjs?

    I just saw a character on tv with wicked cute pjs they were soo colorful ..but theres like none in stores around here..any websites u guys know of creative ones??
  10. T

    What are some historical events in the era the novel, Wicked by Gregory

    Maguire, was written in? I am doing a project for my AP English class and for this I need to list some historical events that may have affected the way Gregory Maguire wrote "Wicked: The life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West" (published in 1995). I definitely got images of Holocaust...
  11. S

    i wanna make my truck wicked fast!?

    so i have a 1997 Dodge Dakota sport. i wanna make it the fastest truck i can, so i need some ideas on what i should do to it,
  12. R

    If God COMMANDS a Christian to reprove the wicked . . .?

    . . . what then is our sword ? ? ? message: Reproving with Gods word is of righteousness. Is this not a good thing ? As only God is good.
  13. P

    Anyone want to help make a wicked awesome Iphone/Ipod Touch Game?

    Yeah i have this flippin awesome idea for an ipod touch game, unfortunately i lack the means to make one, anyone want to help make one? If we actually sell the game you get 90%, its the type of game i wish the iphone had but i have no desire to actually make anything off of it i just wish to see...
  14. S

    Is it true Jesus displaying his wicked sense of humor, posthumously had...

    ...three live roosters delivered to Peter? with a nice card? 'Nice knowing you'? Something like that?
  15. B

    is atheism a philosophy for the wicked?

    rather than submit to a righteous God, some people are of the mindset that a spontaneous explosion created everything 14 billion years ago. Do they use this ploy as a means to divert responsibility for their actions? And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men...
  16. K

    Wicked First vs Second National Tour?

    So I'm confused... there's two tours going on for Wicked right now, and I'm seeing the show when it comes to Madison, WI. I just want to know if it will be the first or the second tour, technically, so that I know what cast I'm going to see. Anyone know or know where I can find that info...
  17. S

    what do you think the real relationship of glinda and elphaba in wicked the book was?

    i know it hints at a lot of things. like elphaba kissing glinda when she decides to stay in the emerald city. when she says to fiyero that she is married to a woman and when glinda says that if he sees elphaba to tell her that she misses her, i thought that seemed to suggest something. also when...
  18. J

    My cousin and I are going to St.Louis to see wicked on tour.We don't know what

    hotel to stay in!? We're driving,so transportation won't be a problem.We at least want a hotel with a view.Any recommendations?Also,would it be fine to wear wicked T-shirts at wicked?Or should we go in nice clothes (ie, not t-shirts,nice shirts,dress pants),or semi-formal (Short-ish dresses)?We...
  19. G

    Exile 2 Wicked Phenomenon NTSC RF TG16-CD.iNJECT iNTERNAL VC Wii-0RANGECHiCKEN

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 53.10 MB Files: 17 (5 pars) Group: a.b.games.wii .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue March 23rd 20:51:19 UTC Download NZB
  20. G

    Exile 2 Wicked Phenomenon NTSC RF TG16-CD.iNJECT iNTERNAL VC Wii-0RANGECHiCKEN

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 53.10 MB Files: 17 (5 pars) Group: a.b.games.wii .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue March 23rd 20:51:19 UTC Download NZB